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Currently designed for Bootstrap alerts, this component allows for alerts to be created on a website to display on the front end that will only display until a specific time, or stay up until they are deleted in the backend.

The plugin works by a single component, called Web Alert. You place this in your layout, typically above the navigation. The plugin does not require any parameters.

Currently designed for Bootstrap alerts, this component allows for alerts to be created on a website to display on the front end that will only display until a specific time, or stay up until they are deleted in the backend.

WebAlert Component:

  • Add this component to your layout to, typically above your navigation to have the alerts display on the frontend. No configuration required.

Future Development:

  • Customisable Classes for the Alerts
  • Customisable Alert Types
  • 'Turn on' alert time
  • RSS Alert Feed
  • Popup JS Fullscreen takeover alert option

First version of WebAlert

Mar 14, 2018