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Sure Software Team Display

Display your team easily with this plugin. This plugin provides a component which elegantly displays the team, and when hovered (or clicked on touch devices) it shows the team members description. The component is designed for Bootstrap 4, however, can easily be modified for other CSS frameworks.

  • Add, remove and update team members
  • Add, remove and update tags
  • Filter users in each team display by tags, or show all
  • Mobile responsive using Bootstrap 4
  • Team Member Fields (Name, Role, Description, Image)
  • Team Member Profile Component

Team Cards Component

The team cards component allows you to display either part of your team or your whole team. The main parameter is the tag, if not set it will display everyone, if it is set then it will only display team members with that tag. The clickable parameter toggles the hoverable team member card. When enabled, it will send the user to a dedicated team member display page. Default: false.

Individual Page Component

The individual page component allows you to display a single team member. The only parameter is the slug, which generates automatically.


  • SureSoftware.PowerSEO to provide dynamic page titles and meta descriptions
  • Rainlab.Sitemap to generate the sitemap for the individual team member pages

Backend Control

All the tags and the team members are managed through the backend in the Team Members tab.

How to use

  1. Install the plugin through the OctoberCMS market place
  2. Setup tags that you may filter by
  3. Add team members and tags
  4. Add the team display component to any pages you want through the CMS

Team Cards Component

The team cards component allows you to display either part of your team or your whole team. The only parameter is the tag, if not set it will display everyone, if it is set then it will only display team members with that tag.
The clickable parameter toggles the hoverable team member card. When enabled, it will send the user to a dedicated team member display page. Default: false.

Individual Page Component

The individual page component allows you to display a single team member. The only parameter is the slug, which generates automatically.


SureSoftware.PowerSEO to provide dynamic page titles and meta descriptions Rainlab.Sitemap to generate the sitemap for the individual team member pages

Backend Control

All the tags and the team members are managed through the backend in the Team Members tab.

Team Members can have a name, role, description and profile image
Tags can have only a name

Future Features

  • Social Media Links

Fixed slug generation

Sep 02, 2019


Added Site Map Generation for Team Member Pages

Sep 02, 2019


Added Site Map Generation for Team Member Pages

Mar 26, 2019


Added PowerSEO Integration

Mar 26, 2019


Added Team Member Individual Page Component

Mar 26, 2019


CSS Optimisation & Improvements

Jul 31, 2018


First version of TeamDisplay

Jun 19, 2018