Blog RSS Feed

An RSS feed generator for the RainLab Blog plugin

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Hello, The plugin works great in the sense that my rss.xml is working like a charm. My issue is that I can't access it as when I try to acces the rss link, it basically sends me to my website with the design and everything. Same thing when I try to load it to Feedburner.

The file itself is on my ftp and works by itself. Any idea?


It sounds like you may have an issue with your htaccess file. If you're rewriting everything to the root for OctoberCMS to handle routes and not making exceptions for explicit URIs for files, then it will route everything back to index.php and ignore, for example, rss.xml. That's just a guess, though. I would need more context.

Last updated


To give you more details, my whole installation is not in the root but in an other folder (/v1). I haven't touched the htaccess at all, so it may be the case.


I seem to have the same problem. I get a 404 error when I try to access Can you please have a look what might be the issue?


did you resolve this issue ?

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