
CKEditor is a ready-for-use HTML text editor designed to simplify web content creation.

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Jiri Kubak
Jiri Kubak

Hi guys,

if i can use CKeditor for additional fields in static pages (e.g. viewBag[right_text]) i have fixed this:

Wysiwyg.php - line 25:

$this->vars['value']     = $this->model->{$this->fieldName};

but OctoberCMS widget using this:

$this->vars['value']     = $this->getLoadValue();

Last updated


Hi, I finally worked out what issue this resolves. It resolves the issue where the editor does not reload any saved content. When this line is changed then it fixes the issue

Pixel Power Haus
Pixel Power Haus

Perfect! If you're having trouble with placeholders saving/loading, this is your fix.

Last updated

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