
Create a photo gallery with full screen preview and slideshow

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I'm completely new to octobercms, so please be patient with me. Could anyone help me understand the process to include a galley via a block using the static page plugin? I managed to see a gallery by using the snippet on the content tab, but can't figure out how to create a block for static pages that allows me to select a galley and publish on a static page

Does that make sense? Ultimately I just need to have a small gallery of photos and another with a few YouTube videos that open via lightbox. But sadly my complete lack of programming skills is shining thru

Thanks in advance, please be gentle


Update... I think I might have found a way to add a gallery to a static page... not sure if it's the best way. But my gallery shows up as a vertical stack of images justified left. I can't figure out how to adjust the css to emulate some of the examples on the test site. Does this mean I'm not loading the {% styles %} and {% scripts %} correctly? It utilizes the lightbox, so I assume that the JS is being injected.

On a side note, using the free version of the plug in, can I create a gallery of youtube and vimeo videos, like on the demo site?

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