
Share downloads only with the users you want.

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Good afternoon, Kurt

Thank you for the PrivateFiles module. It's been pretty easy to figure out. :) I did run into an issue I haven't figured out, however. I followed the directions to set up the download and the list pages, but nothing shows on the list page.

At first, I thought it might be because I wasn't logged into the page with a user that had download permissions, so I created a user on the front end and impersonated the user. However, nothing changed. Do I need to include anything like a page/partial code somewhere in the layout? If so, what is that? I couldn't find it in the documentation.

If this helps, I am developing on the latest version of MAMP on a Macbook Pro running Mac OS 10.14.4.

Thanks! :)


The issue was that the component code was deleted from the content area of the page. This should read: {% component 'Folder'%}

And for the direct Download: this should read: {% component 'Download'%} The download page should also have a :slug defined.

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