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When will the feature for adding files from the media library be available?

Regards Sam


Looked into it and it's a bit more complicated than i thought. I want it to be possible to load multiple files at once, and the only way I could solve that was to make a repeater that created one mor media finder input. And I didn't like that sollution, and it already exist in another plugin. Any suggestions? :)

And maybe, it's not really a good solution. Because if just one user has the permission to publish blog posts, the others with media handling permissions probably shouldn't be allowed to delete the files used in the posts.

Last updated


That is exactly the problem with using the repeater, I also don't like it because it looks messy and unprofessional.

I didn't realise about the user permissions, thanks for pointing that out. I think we could stick with what we have. it's nice and clean.

Thanks for your help :)

Last updated

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