Google Maps Widgets

An simple solution to use Google Maps on the Back-end and Front-end.

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Hi there, thanks for the great plugin

I am having some issues with the form widgets - they don't seem to work in tabs. For a while I thought that it didn't work at all until I moved the widget to the main/untabbed area.


Last updated


Hi Jono, I only found problems with the Map Configurator FormWidget. Could you be more especific with the problem that you are experiencing with the FormWidgets ?


I just published version 1.0.5 that fixes the problem with the Map Configurator FormWidget and the Tabs, the only limitation is that the Map Configurator FormWidget must be in the first tab, thats because a Google Maps JS limitation, you can not load a map into an invisible DIV.

If you still have the issue after updating or you have any other issue, contact us again. Bye.


Awesome, thanks Fencus. Its working great in the first tab now.

I think that it would be a good idea to put that in your docs?

Thanks again Jono

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