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Hi I have tried this out and do not see to get any value from using the plug in and when I click on the component branch to see what values have been set I get Call to a member function getContent() on null in response an idea what is causing this I have look up this error in the forum arrcrown said that to make sure there is no directories inside of your components folder do not have capitals but when I have check there is not
I just checked the plugin but I didn't see any error and it will give the following link in the output:-
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://use.fontawesome.com/releases/v5.13.0/css/all.css" crossorigin="anonymous">
I have tried it on three separate installations and on my local host I get this error "Call to a member function getContent() on null" on line 406 of C:\wamp64\www\test\modules\cms\controllers\Index.php not sure what is causing this problem ?
Dear Tony, I checked twice but I didn't see such an error. Basically this plugin adds a font awesome CSS link into the page where you drag the component of the latest link so please check by using inspect element the link appears on front end or not
If you need help then share your screen with me I will check what is the cause of the problem
mayureshpandit [at] hotmail.com my mail id and also I am on skype so you can share your screenshots on the mail or on skype.
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