
A plugin to enable management of menus within October CMS

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Anand Patel
Anand Patel

when i pass parameter using syntax { 'slug' : 'my-page-slug' } i get 'default' instead of 'my-page-slug'... any solutions ???


It must be valid JSON. I haven't gotten around to creating a validator for this yet. So, for it to be valid, use double quotes not single, as per the json specification.

Anand Patel
Anand Patel

thank you for reply i have tried with this {"slug" : "my-page-slug"} still i got default.


Sorry mate, will look into this soon. Been very busy here sorry, so I've had to neglect this plugin a bit.


Still haven't looked at this, but I thinkit should be {":slug" : "my-page-slug" }. From memory it's doing a find replace on the key, which needs to include the :

I didn't actually write that part of the plugin, it was a merge request from someone else, which is why I'm not 100% on top of it.

Anand Patel
Anand Patel

yes its working.


Sorry to reply to such an old thread. I am having the same issue. Using {":slug" : "my-page-slug" } or {"slug" : "my-page-slug"} doesn't work for me - either way it still makes the first item active.

Is there a solution for this? Thanks in advance :)

edit: a bit more info, the active item works correctly for pages that are not using slugs

Last updated


The only thing that springs to mind is the slug. Have you tried both the full slug (including any directories) and also just the last part of the slug? The key will include the colon.

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