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Piwik is a platform for self hosted site analytics. This plugin makes it easy to insert the Piwik tracking code into your website.

  1. Install the plugin via the October CMS backend.
  2. Add your site configuration details to the Piwik Plugin configuration page. (Under the 'Misc' section of the System Settings page in the Backend.
  3. Add the Piwik Component to your master layout. 'CMS' => 'Layouts' => 'default.html'.
  4. Add {% component 'piwik' %} to the content of the default layout, preferably after your script tags but before the closing </body> tag.
  5. Save the file.

You can also add the component to the file manually.


Make 'tracker_domain' and 'site_id' required fields.

Aug 23, 2014


First version of piwik plugin

Aug 21, 2014