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  • Added on May 27, 2019
  • Current version: 1.1.0
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x not tested
    v1.x use latest
  • Created by
  • Public repository


Add custom fields to CMS pages and templates, easy and convenient!

Video guide


By installing this plugin, you no longer need to spend a lot of time searching and configuring plugins, to add custom data to your pages.

This plugin provides a convenient user interface, so that end users can easily change the content of the page without having any programming skills.

Plugin features:

  1. Create and modify arbitrary field types.
  2. Ability to add repeating fields.
  3. Attach margins to templates and pages.
  4. Ability to group fields.
  5. Ability to hide the page code from the end user.
  6. All field types are supported (except file upload).
  7. All arbitrary fields, support translate (RainLab.Translate).
  8. It is possible to add several groups of fields to one page or template.
  9. Support Syntax Fields (in layouts)

Future plans:

  1. Support for the RainLab.StaticPages plugin
  2. Save values ​​of arbitrary field types in the database (currently, data is stored in files).
  3. Separate user interface for end users.

New changes

2019-06-13 - Now you can change the position of the tabs. image


After each purchase, I add something new to this plugin. So guys if you bought this plugin feel free to order new feature. Sorry for my bad english ;)

*NEW* now you can change positon of tabs

Video guide



  1. After installing this plugin, the "CustomFields" section will appear in the backend menu. image

  2. To add fields to CMS pages you will need to create a group. A group is a collection of fields. You can attach several groups to one page. image

  3. Now that you created a group you need to add fields. If you need a repeater turn on the 'Is repeater' switch. image

  4. Adding fields to a group is very simple. Just click on the Create Property button and select field type. image

  5. The result of the work done. Each field contains an insert code comment. To access the fields from the page use this: {{ this.page.(group name)_(property name) }}. For example: {{ this.page.footer_copytight }} OR just copy the code from the comment of field image

  • Found the plugin useful on 18 Dec, 2020

    Would be nice If this works with Static Pages plugin.

  • Found the plugin not useful on 16 Oct, 2020

    Nginx + PHP 7.4.11 + MySQL 5.7.31 on Debian 9. Error when saving the page: "Trying to access array offset on value of type null" on line 85 of ...

  • Found the plugin useful on 1 Oct, 2020

    Hey, thanks for that great plugin. Is it possible to set maximum width and height allowed and add upload validation for maximum width, height and filesize in mediafinder field? Something like ACF WP plugin.

  • Found the plugin useful on 3 Sep, 2020

    when can we expect the plugin to work with the static pages?

  • Found the plugin useful on 17 Aug, 2020

    Yes, I will continue to improve the plugin, but you can also suggest your improvements.

  • Found the plugin not useful on 23 Jun, 2020

    On localhost does not work at all. It can be installed when using MySQL, but it indicates an error when saving the page. "Trying to access array offset on value of type null" on line 85 of...

    It cannot be installed when using SqlLite.

  • Found the plugin useful on 15 Mar, 2020

    I really liked this plugin, very good plugin! I propose to use everything! thanks to the developers!!!

  • Found the plugin useful on 2 Mar, 2020

    Thank you bro! Very nice plugin, except translate in repeater field. Will you continue to work on this plugin?

  • Found the plugin useful on 24 Feb, 2020

    Very simple to use. It worked for my purpose. It would be nice to have radio and select options. Let's say you want the user to select left, centered or right alignments. Or pick between 5 specific color options (instead of a color picker).

  • Found the plugin not useful on 3 Dec, 2019

    Good plugin, but in repeatable items dont work translation, for this reason I can not use the plugin

  • Found the plugin useful on 11 Nov, 2019

    Please fix the translation of repeatable items.

  • Found the plugin useful on 1 Oct, 2019

    Is it possible to make a global field for all pages?


Added the ability to change the position of the tabs

Jun 12, 2019


Fixed the error that appears when creating a group with fields together

Jun 10, 2019


Update version.yaml file

May 29, 2019


Add Is translatable field to property form

May 29, 2019


Fixed bug when saving pages

May 25, 2019


Updated table shohabbos_customfields_groups

May 24, 2019


Updated table shohabbos_customfields_groups

May 24, 2019


Updated table shohabbos_customfields_properties

May 24, 2019


Updated table shohabbos_customfields_groups

May 24, 2019


Updated table shohabbos_customfields_properties

May 24, 2019


Updated table shohabbos_customfields_properties

May 24, 2019


Updated table shohabbos_customfields_properties

May 24, 2019


Updated table shohabbos_customfields_properties

May 24, 2019


Updated table shohabbos_customfields_properties

May 24, 2019


Updated table shohabbos_customfields_properties

May 24, 2019


Created table shohabbos_customfields_groups

May 24, 2019


Updated table shohabbos_customfields_properties

May 24, 2019


Updated table shohabbos_customfields_properties

May 24, 2019


Updated table shohabbos_customfields_properties

May 24, 2019


Created table shohabbos_customfields_properties

May 24, 2019


Initialize plugin.

May 24, 2019