Backend Yandex Maps Widgets
Easily and quickly integrate a Yandex Maps field into your Backend Forms.
This plugin provides a Form Widget to integrate a Yandex Maps map to a Backend Form in a simple and fast way. Additionally, there is a component to display the map in the frontend of the website.
- Integrate a Yandex Maps map into your Backend Forms.
- Display the map in the frontend of the website.
The following plugin extends or depends on the plugin
To install this plugin you have to click on add to project or need to type rubium.yamapswidgets in Backend System > updates > intall plugin
To configure this Plugin goto Backend System then find MISC in left side bar, then click on Widget YaMaps , you will get Configuration options and use component YaMapsDemo to display map in frontend.
On the Backend Forms
Create a field type yamaps in the fields.yaml file of the model where you want to store the latitude and longitude of a Yandex Maps location.
map: label: 'Yandex Maps' type: yamaps fieldPosition: latitude: '55.75417429118003' longitude: '37.62009153512286' height: "380px" editable: false markers: locations #The name of the column in which the markers are stored
address_map: label: Address type: yaddress target: User[location] #Field with type YaMaps. This field find with jQuery and target event 'change-cords'
On the Frontend
[YaMapDemo] width = "100%" height = "500px" mapTypeId = "yandex#map" zoom = 9 showMarker = 1 == {% component 'YaMapDemo' %}
This plugin has not been reviewed yet.
1.1.1 |
Add api key support May 05, 2021 |
1.0.1 |
First version of Backend Yandex Maps Aug 16, 2018 |