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The plugin integrates Bootstrap Notify v3.0.0 plugin (many thanks to the author for a wonderful plugin)! You can create your own configuration for the messages. Please see the Documentation tab for details.

Default style


Open the update panel and search the Romanov.Flashmessage plugin.

Create own configuration for Flash message component

Go to Bootstrap Notify documentation page and read it. Then open Settings -> Flash message on your backend and click Add configuration. Enter configuration name and Bootstrap Notify options. Save configuration. Profit ;)

How to use

The plugin has two components: flash message and form error message.

Flash message

Show custom Flash messages on the website pages. This component can show ajax error messages and messages what been set by Components or inside the page or layout PHP section with the Flash class.
Component use Bootstrap Notify v3.0.0 plugin (many thanks to the author for a wonderful plugin)! So you can create own configuration for display message (see how in documentation tab).

Form error messages

Displays ajax error processing forms on top of the input fields. Can be useful if part with input of your form looks some like this:

<div class="form-group">
        <input name="..." type="...">

This component does not have any settings, so if you like how component display errors onto your form you can use it. Add component to your page or layout and choose configuration. Component without configuration will be displayed with default options.


If you want display messages what been set with the Flash class don't use tags {% flash %} & {% endflash %} on page with this component.

  • Found the plugin useful on 30 Jul, 2020


    Sorry to put this request here. But I am unable to use the plugin, can anybody hide me to the steps required to make the plugin work for Flash::success/error etc messages.

    Thanks, Shah

  • author

    Replied on 31 Jul, 2020

    Hi Shah!
    Thanks for your review. But unfortunately, I'm not supporting this plugin anymore.
    Regarding your case, make sure that you don't use tags {% flash %} & {% endflash %} on the page where plugin used. It can help.



Dec 02, 2016


Fix some bug with Rainlab.User login form errors

Jun 15, 2016


First version of flashmessage

Mar 26, 2015