Product support

Get help in the plugin support forum.

  • Added on Oct 23, 2019
  • Current version: 1.0.2
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x not tested
    v1.x use latest
  • Created by


Easy setup

Manage all the button properties and label from the October's CMS Administration Area: activation, phone number, text to display, position

Fully customizable

Change the background-color, text-color from the same setting panel!

Add it to all your page with a simple click

Just drag the call now button CMS component into your default layout and it's done!

What's next?

In next version: click-statistics, more customization fields, customization from component's properties (so you can put the button red in a page and blue in another one).

Only displayed into smartphone

There is no sence to display the button on a desktop computer or tablet.

Backend settings


Just set the button's configuration from the backend Settings page, add the CMS component to the default layout or only to the pages you want it to be displayed, and it's done!


Add color picker widget to settings

Dec 29, 2020


Initialize plugin.

Oct 22, 2019