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Reorder plugin

Simple Reorder (Swap) plugin (model items in List view)

Working for big data reorder problem

Swap two items in list, just by clicking on generated button in order column. Before you can swap items, you must order by that column (Asc or Desc) Working with pagination, search and other filters. Working for simple relations (relation list view - partial)

Not (yet) working if Relation is N-N (BelongsToMany, not working only if sort_order is in pivot table) or Nested (NestedTree) for now

v1.0.2: When you swap items, action first check if sort order in table is valid. If not, order will be fixed (optimized, fixing just problematic order values)

OctoberCMS reorder plugin

Simple OctoberCMS Reorder (Swap) plugin

Swap two items in list, just by clicking on generated button in order column. Before you can swap items, you must order by that column (Asc or Desc) Working with pagination, search and other filters. Working for simple relations (relation list view - partial)

Not (yet) working if Relation is N-N (BelongsToMany, not working only if sort_order is in pivot table) or Nested (NestedTree) for now

How to enable Swap button in order column:

In backend Controller of your plugin ({yourPlugin}/controller/{nameOfController}.php), in $implement array add Reuniors\Reorder\Controllers\OrderSwapController, example:

public $implement = [


In your Models list yaml ({yourPlugin}/model/{nameOfModel}/{list}.yaml) of your main or relation list just set type of your order type: reorder_button example:

    label: 'Sort'
    type: reorder_button

That is it, you should now see buttons with order value instead of just text, and you must order by that column to enable Swap button. When you click on Swap (when hovers on order column value) button, button becomes Cancel Swap, and Cancel Swap button is added in toolbar (Cancel Swap: {order_value})


Added sort column check and autofix

Dec 26, 2020


Initialize plugin.

Dec 22, 2020