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This plugin adds a simple embeddable forum.


The forum does not require immediate configuation to operate. However the following options are available.

  • Forum categories (Channels) can be managed via the System > Channels menu.
  • Forum members can be managed via the User menu.

Displaying a list of channels

The plugin includes a component forumChannels that should be used as the main page for your forum. Add the component to your page and render it with the component tag:

{% component 'forumChannels' %}

You should tell this component about the other forum pages.

  • channelPage - the page used for viewing an individual channel's topics.
  • topicPage - the page used for viewing a discussion topic and posts.
  • memberPage - the page used for viewing a forum user.

Example page structure


title = "Forum"
url = "/forum"
layout = "default"

memberPage = "forum/member"
channelPage = "forum/channel"
topicPage = "forum/topic"

{% component 'forumChannels' %}


title = "Forum"
url = "/forum/channel/:slug"
layout = "default"

memberPage = "forum/member"
topicPage = "forum/topic"

<h1>{{ channel.title }}</h1>
{% component 'forumChannel' %}


title = "Forum"
url = "/forum/topic/:slug"
layout = "default"

memberPage = "forum/member"
channelPage = "forum/channel"

<h1>{{ topic.subject }}</h1>
{% component 'forumTopic' %}


title = "Forum"
url = "/forum/member/:slug"
layout = "default"

channelPage = "forum/channel"
topicPage = "forum/topic"

<h1>{{ member.username }}</h1>
{% component 'forumMember' %}
  • Found the plugin useful on 13 Oct, 2020

    Hello, i have this error ->" "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"?" Can someone to help me?

  • Found the plugin useful on 12 Dec, 2018

    Great plugin, tough to customize css though :) Also, figured out later, to make a FrontendUser as moderator : just goto Users -> select a user -> update details -> Forum tab -> tick forum moderator Hope it helps

  • Found the plugin useful on 16 Oct, 2016

    An extremely useful plugin (for free, even better) and makes implementing this function quite easy even for the casual developer.

  • Found the plugin useful on 15 Aug, 2015

    I use this a a simple communication tool inside a private union website. It does what I need and the price is right.

  • Found the plugin useful on 6 Apr, 2015

    Cool plugin. But I have issue as Serkan Agdelen on /forum/member/username page. Non-Latin post (in my case is a Cyrilic) show as "Н�О�В�О�С�Т�И�2015", but in DB texts are correct. How to fix it?

  • Found the plugin useful on 24 Feb, 2015

    Really, gr8 plugin. But same problem as @Serkan Agdelen said. In member page got weird marks.

    Is there any option to restrict diffrent forums to specific users?

  • Found the plugin useful on 18 Feb, 2015

    Hello, I am building site with forum plugin and blog plugin like your tutorial but i am having difficulties on comments. When i post comments under blog entries (in turkish language) all comments are ok. But when i go to member page to see the same comment i see character encoding problem.

    For example: I write "ıöçşğü IÖÇŞĞÜ" under a blog entry and it seems ok on that page. When i browse to members see same comment like this: "ı�ö�ç�ş�ğ�ü�Ü<Ö�Ç�Ş�Ğ�Ü�"

    Is there anything i can do for fix?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Found the plugin useful on 16 Feb, 2015

    Hello, I would like to install a forum page on my site portableappsdb.esy.es but I have not found a page you explaining how to create a forum page .. What to do?

  • Found the plugin useful on 6 Aug, 2014

    I was able to install this plugin into my website. But in every single channel, all topics are shown. How can I filter the matching topics to the channel only? Would be great to get a hint...

  • Found the plugin not useful on 3 Aug, 2014

    just a hint: This does not install with "rainlab.user" plugin

  • Found the plugin useful on 15 May, 2014

    As Miroslav stated above, the User dependency should be resolved: http://i.imgur.com/hvseguS.png

  • Found the plugin useful on 15 May, 2014

    Hi all,

    here is dependency to have enabled plugin User from you too ? Without selecting user plugin I got an error, than some model user class was not found.

    Many thanks!


Major Upgrade to Forum Plugin

May 06, 2024


Compatibility updates with October CMS v3.6

Feb 24, 2024


The default CSS can now be disabled for all components. Changed `getChannelSlugOptions` method in EmbedChannel component from protected to public.

Aug 13, 2020


Made plugin compatible with PHP 7.3. Improved translations.

Sep 13, 2019


Added spam guarding features.

Dec 21, 2018


Add button for administrators to purge all posts by a member.

Aug 05, 2018


Fixes bug throwing error when a forum topic has no posts.

Sep 03, 2016


Major performance enhancements

Aug 10, 2016


Database maintenance. Updated all timestamp columns to be nullable.

Jul 26, 2016


Minor fix to embed topic component.

Jul 18, 2016


Update channel reorder page to new system reordering feature.

Sep 10, 2015


Posting topics is now throttled allowing 3 new topics every 15 minutes.

Aug 13, 2015


When a User is deleted, their Member profile and posts is also deleted.

Aug 11, 2015


Improve the pagination code used in the component default markup.

Jun 26, 2015


Fixes a bug where channels cannot be selected in the Embed component inspector.

Feb 27, 2015


Improve support for CDN asset hosting.

Feb 19, 2015


Users can now quote other posts.

Feb 13, 2015


Users can now report spammers who can be banned by moderators

Jan 16, 2015


Updated the Settings page

Jul 27, 2014


Added Channel name to the Topics component view

Jul 12, 2014


Forum members can now follow topics

Jul 05, 2014


Add unread flags to channels

Jun 13, 2014


Introduced topic and channel embedding

May 29, 2014


Channels can now be hidden or moderated

May 29, 2014


Users can now be made moderators or be banned

May 18, 2014


Add unread flags to topics

May 18, 2014


First version of Forum

Apr 14, 2014