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ProMedia Player is a flexible multimedia player that can tastefully deliver video,audio, and file download for both web and mobile platforms.

ProMediaPlayer employs HTML5 video & audio with Flash fallback for non-html5 browsers. No matter the platform or browser, the playbar is styled consistently weather it's default html5 or flash...the experience always feels the same.

Features At A Glance

  • Three component views - Video,Audio,Multimedia
  • Fully Responsive Players
  • Fully CSS Customizable
  • Flexible Filtering by Category
  • Use Vimeo,Youtube,Local Video/Audio, or CDN urls

Displaying Media on your Pages

ProMedia comes with three types of Component players that meet specific needs.

  • Videoplayer
  • Audioplayer
  • Multimediaplayer

To add media to your pages add the component to your page and render it with the component tag/alias:

{% component 'proMediaVideoplayer' %}


The Audioplayer component comes with four specially designed views tailored for audio use.

The following settings are available:

  • itemsPerPage - used for pagination
  • audioplayer_view - what custom view to use (footer_list,thumb_list,popup_list,single_player)
  • filter_type - filter by category or item ID
  • filter_value - the value to filter by
  • pagination - enable/disable pagination
  • enable_rss - enable/disable rss feed / podcase (iTunes compatible)
  • rss_title - rss feed title
  • rss_description - rss feed description


The Videoplayer component comes with four specially designed views tailored for video use.

The following settings are available:

  • itemsPerPage - used for pagination
  • vidoplayer_view - what custom view to use (list,player,footer_list,single_player)
  • filter_type - filter by category or item ID
  • filter_value - the value to filter by
  • pagination - enable/disable pagination
  • enable_rss - enable/disable rss feed / vidocast
  • rss_title - rss feed title
  • rss_description - rss feed description


The Multimediaplayer component is designed specifically for usecases where potentially all three - Video,Audio,File Download - might be present.

An example of this would a church. Wherein a message video, message audio, and message notes might all be present for one media "item".

The following settings are available:

  • itemsPerPage - used for pagination
  • mediaplayer_view - what custom view to use (player) //more may be added later
  • filter_type - filter by category or item ID
  • filter_value - the value to filter by

Flexible Component Filtering

All three components offer flexible routing to search and filter your media. With all three components you can establish passive url parameteres like so:


The following can be searched or filtered for all three media players:

  • Category - /mediapage/category/category-name/
  • Item - /mediapage/item/id#/
  • Search - /mediapage/search/search-term/

Displaying Individual Media in your Pages

There are two ways you can display individual players of audio or video.

  • Limit the results to 1 to which the latest video or audio will always show.
  • Specify a filter of "specific" and provide an id# value

Video formatting Recomendations

We recommend using Youtube and Vimeo when you can. Hosted videos are possible, but certianly server intensive. If you have a larger quantity of videos, we do recommend a video CDN. For best hosted video & CDN performance we recommend you encode in h.264 mp4. You can use great converters such as ffmpeg to achieve this - http://www.ffmpegx.com/

Styling the player

You can add custom styling to your liking. We have included an example skin of how you might approach this in the component controller.

To start out, duplicate the custom_skin folder and rename. In the component controller uncomment out the custom skin css and point to your new folder name. All three components can utilize custom skins. Make sure you back up any custom work you've done incase you update the plugin at some point.

  • Found the plugin useful on 15 Apr, 2020

    Please help to fix this: http://prntscr.com/rzk4a7

    SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field 'slug' doesn't have a default value (SQL: insert into `radiantweb_mediaitem_category` (`name`, `updated_at`, `created_at`) values (Uncategorized, 2020-04-15 12:09:09, 2020-04-15 12:09:09))

  • author

    Replied on 15 Apr, 2020

    please use the support area, not the reviews area. Also please include details on how to reproduce. what sort of media, what view, and all component settings. Help me help you.

  • Found the plugin not useful on 25 Nov, 2017

    Install failed with "SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field 'slug' doesn't have a default value (SQL: insert into radiantweb_mediaitem_category (name, updated_at, created_at) values (Uncategorized, 2017-11-25 21:50:38, 2017-11-25 21:50:38))" on line 664 of /home/vagrant/Code/guan-dev/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Connection.php

  • Found the plugin useful on 15 Dec, 2014

    Does the job pretty well. Pretty simple but covers a lot of ground: video, audio, and downloads as well as providing you with different options for media players. I would love to see other people start adding in additional themes for this plugin. Also, the developer is very quick in responding and was very helpful with suggestions and bug fixes.


add delete category

Aug 07, 2020


update plugin for newer php

Apr 15, 2020


correct yaml error

Aug 05, 2017



Mar 09, 2015


file download fix

Sep 25, 2014


author ID bug fix

Sep 01, 2014


Initialize plugin

May 23, 2014


Initialize plugin

May 23, 2014