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Erp plugin for October CMS

Control ERP is a free and open source plugin for october cms who allow you to create Invoices and Quotes.


  • Create your invoices, quotes, customers, currencies, taxes and payment type
  • Generates Invoice AS PDF
  • Send PDF trought Mail to your Customers
  • Export Many PDF from listing
  • Manages all your taxes and rates
  • Manage all your devises
  • Manage all your customers
  • Manage all your payment types
  • Customize your PDF template
  • Convert quote to invoice


Install the plugin from your backend as an usual plugin.


Go in your Erp > Settings


  • Add your Compagny information for your documents header (This configuration can be changed in each documents)
  • Add an information for the bottom of documents if you want
  • Customise your PDF template if you want

Create an invoice

Go in Erp > Invoices

Add invoice

You can see all your invoices. Click on Add Invoice button for creating an invoice. Invoice creation Link a customer, currency and a date (Absolety required) You can create customer, currencies dynamicly by clicking on Add customer or Add Currency buttons customer creation

Once is created, linked the customer to the document by searching he(she) directly: creation customer popup

Then save for adding rows to the invoice.

Add rows to document

Once your document is saved, you can add rows (or data) add rows Click on Create data add rows gif You can see prices updated when you changing your taxes.

Add payments

On the next tab, you can create one or many paiments for this document payment types create payment All payment will be displayed on PDF docuement.

Export or send

On the next tab, you can export or send document directly to your customer export or send Download as PDF will export a pdf of this invoice, send will send the invoice to your customer email directly, you can manage email in October backend directly.

This process works the same for Quotes.

Taxes / Currencies etc...

You can manage Taxes, currencies etc.. by clicking on they items of the backend menu.

Thanks for your download. For any bug report or question, please submit an issue on github please.

Enjoy ;)


fix quotes paiements

Mar 02, 2021


Improve lang, invoice payments, fixe tax calculation

Feb 26, 2021


add object columns in quotes and invoice list

Jan 05, 2021


Improve transaltion on invoice sent

Dec 03, 2020


Fix customer id 0 on save quote

Nov 10, 2020


Improve translation

Nov 05, 2020


fix send quote to fix email.

Oct 30, 2020


fix automatic send document

Oct 27, 2020


Correction of customers relations

Oct 26, 2020


Fix RainLab.User Issue

Oct 16, 2019