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Moon Slider

A simple and powerful plugin for create and manage responsive sliders in an easy way.

This plugin is fully compatible with OctoberCMS v2 and v3


Works without jQuery dependency.

  • It's builded with the minimal code in order to keep your site fast and lightweight load

Manage your slides in a very easy way

  • Create a slider with minimal effort and configure the general settings.

  • Upload the images (tablet, desktop and mobile) or a video for your slide and link it to a slider with a click. Of curse you can reuse slides in two or more sliders

  • Manage dates of activation for a slide and if you need it, you can set a date of deactivation too

  • Manage the sorting order of the slides with a drag and drop tool

We love simplicity and functional code.

  • You can build and display a slider in less 5 minutes with a minimal configuration and options for customization

We make it easy for you

Just go to the backend, clic on create slider, select the general options and that's it.

Then go to slides, create all the slides you need uploading your images or video and assign them to a slider with one single click. Reuse the created slides for new sliders if you need it.

Go to your backend editor, add the component {% component 'moonSlider' %} to your template and voila! you have a fully functional and responsive slider working in your site.

Working with another Slider Library

You can build your own slider with the front end library you prefer and use this plugin to manage all the backend logic and settings of images, dates of activation, relations between slides and sliders, etc.

The plugins injects to the page all the slider and slides info in a set of organic variables easy to use with any slider front end creator. (slick slider, easySlide, ... etc)

Do you need assistance?

We are happy to help!

Send us an email to hello@polilla.studio and we'll reply you as soon as we can.

Or you can visit GitHub Issues Page to report any issues with the plugin.

You can read the technical documentation

Create sliders as you need

Basic concepts and initial information

Styles and scripts

The plugin will render the slider using a minimal of JS and CSS code, so you need to have the scripts and styles options enabled in your template

Remember to add following code in layout:

In your head section

{% styles %}

At the end of your body section

{% scripts %}

Slides Order

The slides order is defined in the Slides tab of the Slider, you can drag and drop it for the desired order. Each slider have it's own order configuration. However, if you need it you can set the Slides Order to Random option in the component configuration

slug = "slider-demo"
slidesOrder = "random"

Basic operation

Add the component MoonSlider to your page or partial; Define the Slider slug and the order of de slides.

slug = "slider-demo"
slidesOrder = "slider"

In your page or partial html code add the component

{% component "moonSlider" %}

This will display the slider in your page or partial and that's it


The component will render the slider using the width of their container, so, it's a good idea to have a defined container, for example

<!-- container for slider -->
<div id="slider-container" style="width: 900px">
    {% component "moonSlider" %}

In this example, the slider will have 900px for width.

The eight of the slider is defined in the slider properties in the sizes tab

Advanced operation

If you don't want to use the default render of the slider, you can use all the elements of the slider and slides in order to build your slider with the front end library of your preference (SlickSlider, Glide JS, Swiffy Slider, etc)

Once you have attached the moonSlider component to your page, there will available a set of variables in the page for use it as you need


Name and Slug of the slider


The position for the controls (arrows) of the slider. Values:

  • none
  • inline
  • outline

The position for the position markers (dots) of the slider. Values:

  • none
  • inline
  • outline

Boolean values

moonSlider.is_active //Defines if the Slider is active or not
moonSlider.options.autoplay //defines if the slider will autoplay the transitions
moonSlider.options.lazyload //lazyload for the images
moonSlider.options.loop //defines if the slider will loop at the end

Integer. How many slides are available per block


Defines the slider mode. Values:

  • Gallery. In this mode, the slides transition is a fade out and fade in for all the elements in the slider. It's a good option for images galleries

  • Carousel. In this mode, the elements of the slider moves from right lo left


Integer. The time between each change of the slides. Applys for carousel and gallery mode. Autoplay value must be in true


This is an array of all the slides in the slider. For use it you need to apply a for

{% for slide in moonSlider.slides %}
{% endfor %}

Each slide have the next variables

Boolean variables


string variables


control variables


Media Paths


Position of the floatting button (if available)


Questions or bug reports

We are happy to help!

Send us an email to hello@polilla.studio and we'll reply you as soon as we can.

Or you can visit GitHub Issues Page to report any issues with plugin.

  • Found the plugin not useful on 8 Jan, 2025

    I could not get the plugin to work on October 3, and after multiple attempts to get in touch with the team on various channels, I got no support! Terrible experience. :/


URL parameter in Slide is not longer mandatory

Nov 24, 2023


Added target type for slides URL

Jul 31, 2023


Fixed permissions for manage sliders and slides

Jun 13, 2023


Updated readme

May 09, 2023


Fixed a bug path

May 09, 2023


First version of Moon Slider

May 01, 2023