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This plugin will provide a collection of components to display data about GitHub repositories based on the GitHub API v3.

As time passes more parts like Projects or Issues will be added to this collection of components.


In order to work the PHP cURL extension must be installed and enabled.


Please submit pull requests with translations or bugfixes on the plugin's GitHub page. Bug reports and feature requests via Issues are welcome!

Repository List Component Frontend

This plugin provides a collection of components to display data about GitHub repositories based on the GitHub API v3.

The components are the following:


List public repositories for the specified user.


Name Type Description
user string The user whose repositories are displayed
type string The repository type. Can be one of all, owner, member. Default: owner
sort string The sorting field. Can be one of created, updated, pushed, full_name. Default: full_name
direction string The sort direction. Can be one of asc or desc. Default: when using full_name: asc, otherwise desc


Get a specific repository

The available variables which can be used in the component view are listed here: https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/#response-3


Name Type Description
user string The user whose repository is displayed
repo string The repository name


Get a specific gist

The available variables which can be used in the component view are listed here: https://developer.github.com/v3/gists/#get-a-single-gist


Name Type Description
id string ID of the gist
sha string Get a specific revision of a gist

Added pagination to repo list

May 21, 2017


Added transations (en,de)

Apr 25, 2017


First version of GitHub Projects

Apr 22, 2017