Product support

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  • Added on May 6, 2019
  • Current version: 1.1.21
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x use latest
    v1.x use latest
  • Created by




EasyShop is an intuitive plugin developed with semantic code, maintains a simple aspect for easy use and avoid complexities and thus be able to take control and faster access to each of the features.

Do you want the extended license? Use our discount coupon of $350 with the `````` code

Do you want to participate in translating the plugin? Get a discount for each translated language

Demo backend user and password: demo

These are some of its functionalities:

  • Buy as a guest user
  • Profiles with favorites management and order history (RainLab.User)
  • Dynamic menu of categories and brands (RainLab.Pages)
  • Gallery and Zoom plugin in the product description
  • Products grouping by categories and brands
  • Multi-Currency (Responsiv.Currency)
  • Multi-languages ​​(RainLab.Translate)
  • Shipping Price by locations, countries and states can inherit prices (RainLab.Location)
  • Full SEO Capable
  • Orders Managment and Fullfilment control
  • Control of Payment Methods by Country
  • Support to the most popular payment methods including Bank Transfer and Cash on Delivery
  • Variants Control (Size, colors, etc.)
  • Dynamic shopping cart with floating button
  • Customize emails
  • Customize fields in order

Last Updates

  • 1.1.0: Custom fields for orders, editable emails templates and new preferences
  • 1.0.9: Items short fix & added Lang missing strings
  • 1.0.8: New Italian version - Many thanks to Luigi Rossi - Niluan SRL
  • 1.0.7: Bugs Fixed (Support to luigi.rossi28678)
  • 1.0.6: Add new redirect option on login/register Account component
  • 1.0.5: New French version - Many thanks to Damien MATHIEU - Agence HOUNDDD


Working on:

  • Add management of Curriers with control of conditions by weight
  • Local pick up support and Shipping Methods
  • Extendible for add more payment methods

30 plugin sales:

  • Add better control when sending packages
  • Comments and reviews on products

60 plugin sales:

  • Improvement in search filters for frontend
  • Popularity and ranking in products
  • Accesories for products
  • Add management of Curriers with control of conditions by weight

100 plugin sales:

  • Control of subscriptions and products with recurring collection
  • Better filter for Related products
  • Booking and reservations Module
  • Discounts by products or categories

200 plugin sales:

  • Create products bundles
  • Storage credit cards modules (With custom encrypter module)


  • RainLab.User
  • RainLab.Location
  • Responsiv.Currency
  • RainLab.Pages
  • RainLab.Translate


Before starting it is necessary to install the following plugins:

Then we will begin to integrate the components to our current theme.

The integration of this plugin is very simple and we can finish it in a few steps. You can also download a sample theme from here

First Step

We make sure that in the layout we use always contain within the </ head> tag the twig tag {% styles%}, and before closing the <body /> tag the twig tags {% framework extras%} and {% scripts %}.

… <head> … {% styles %} </head> <body> … {% framework extras %} {% scripts %} <body/>

Next we will integrate the Cart Button component in any part of the layout, this will help us to keep the button always present in any page of the site. We can also configure it to our liking, being able to change the text and background color of the botton.


Second Step

We will create the following pages with their respective routes including the following components:

  • /profile : Account
  • /cart/:step? : Cart
  • /products/:category? : Products
  • /product/:slug : Product Detail

You can include the component inside a div container for better control.

The names of the routes are optional and can vary according to your taste but what can not vary are the names of the parameters of the routes (eg ... /: step?)

We make sure that all the configurations of each component are correct. We have to take into account to link each component with its respective page. Below is an example of the default settings of each component:

Account Component

Component that includes the login and registration functionalities. Once the user is logged in they can show all their data on this page.


Cart Component

This component includes all the functionalities of the final purchase, product summary, shipping information and billing.


Products Component

This component shows a list of all products, you can easily parameterize what products you want to display with a large number of filtering and sorting options.


Product Details Component

This component includes all the independent information and details of each product, including web libraries already integrated for gallery and zoom.

Product Details

Final Step

To finish that our shop is ready, the next thing is to go to our backend and configure the final details.

 Sales Preferences

In this section we will make sure to configure the default image for the products, in case a product does not have images in its gallery. We must make sure to enter all the details of our trade such as name, email and address as these will appear on the generated purchase receipts. We will also enter all the existing tax types with their respective description, and then select these taxes when creating/modifying each product.

Payment Methods

Here we will configure the payment methods to accept, we can also limit different methods of payment per country. Be sure to enable the methods before you start using.

Countries & States

We will enable the countries and states where we will make shipments and configure shipping fees ​​depending on the place.


Here we will enable the currencies to be used and we will define the default currency in our store.

Start Selling

The next thing will be to start using the plugin by entering all the inventory in order to start making sales on our site and with that we have finished.

  • Found the plugin useful on 31 Mar, 2021

    Hi, I found a pretty serious mistake. When you open the "development tool" on the product page and change the price in the "price" input and add it to the cart, the cart will display a price that has been completely adjusted without an administrator. Do you know about that?

  • Found the plugin useful on 15 Aug, 2020

    I get this error

    An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Currency rate for "NGN" not found.").

    My default currency is the Nigerian Naira

  • Found the plugin useful on 17 Apr, 2020

    Great shop ! Easy to customise!

  • Found the plugin useful on 12 Aug, 2019

    Great plugin if you want a simple (but professional) e-commerce system. Best of all.. the support is awesome! Thanks for this plugin!


Bugs fixed on October 3.0 version

Nov 14, 2022


Bugs Fixed in Item Creation loading

May 25, 2022


Bugs Fixed in Item Creation and Update

May 25, 2022


Update SDK version

Oct 19, 2021


PixelPay general update

Oct 19, 2021


Bugs fixed on Octobercms 2.0 version

Jul 15, 2021


Fix PixelPay Inline payments and tokenizations of cards

Jun 29, 2021


PixelPay Inline payments and tokenizations of cards

Mar 11, 2021


PixelPay AWS Endpoint to pixelpay.app

Apr 15, 2020


PixelPay AWS Endpoint stable

Apr 14, 2020


PixelPay Endpoint change

Apr 13, 2020


Fix double reduce inventory

Apr 04, 2020


Single product inventory reducer fix

Apr 02, 2020


Shipping calculator fix

Mar 25, 2020


Responsive items and Recovery Password

Mar 09, 2020


Bug fixed - Container Error

Nov 23, 2019


Bugs Fixed in Cart

Nov 22, 2019


Bugs Fixed in Validations and User update

Oct 20, 2019


Bugs Fixed

Oct 20, 2019


Bugs Fixed and new Backend Extend Events

Oct 18, 2019


Thumbs of items, New validation rules in cart, Bugs fixed

Aug 11, 2019


Custom fields for orders, editable emails templates and new preferences

Aug 10, 2019


Items short fix & added Lang missing strings

Aug 07, 2019


New Italian version - Many thanks to Luigi Rossi - Niluan SRL

Aug 03, 2019


Bugs Fixed (Support to luigi.rossi28678)

Aug 03, 2019


Add new redirect option on login/register Account component

Jul 31, 2019


New French version - Many thanks to Damien MATHIEU - Agence HOUNDDD

Jul 12, 2019


Preparing the plugin for Carriers support

Jul 08, 2019


Customer notifications and bugs fixed

Jun 29, 2019


PixelPay Update

Jun 29, 2019


Initialize plugin.

Apr 28, 2019