Product support

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  • Added on Mar 29, 2016
  • Current version: 1.0.0
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x not tested
    v1.x use latest
  • Created by


Create and manage strawpolls from the back-end. Each strawpoll can have many choices. You can change strawpoll visualization mode (pieChart or barChart) and the different choice's color.

This Plugin requires RainLab User plugin to work.


You can configure the plugin and create polls in the back-end .

  • Go to backend settings/Strawpolls and define the default mode of strawpoll creation (configurable | anonymous | public)
  • In Strawpoll tab create/delete strawpolls

Strawpoll's mode

  • Configurable: each strawpoll can be anonymous or public (defined on the creation of the strawpoll)
  • Anonymous: each vote is anonymous. We know in database who has voted but we don't know his choice
  • Public: each vote is public. We know in database who votes for what


The strawpolls component permits to show opened and ended strawpolls in front-end user.

{% component 'strawpolls' %}

To vote, user needs to be logged.


Initialize plugin.

Mar 28, 2016