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October Cashier Plugin

October CMS plugin to handle Stripe and Braintree payments using Laravel Cashier.

This plugin integrates Laravel Cashier with the help of Rainlab.User into October CMS. You can do "one-off" charges on your Rainlab users or subscribe them to your Stripe plans.

The plugin comes preloaded with simple Stripe Elements form and invoice list components. All features of Laravel Cashier are available. An easily customizable invoice view and some useful events have been added for this October CMS version of Cashier.

  • Found the plugin useful on 20 Jun, 2018

    Great Plugin/ Documents can be a little more informative doing things like canceling a subscription or changing Credit Card would be helpful thanks keep up the good work.


!!! Updated Cashier to v9.0. This update contains breaking changes. Visit the project's README on GitHub for more information. (Credits to @RomainMazB for the work on this update!)

May 13, 2021


!!! The stripeelementsform/tokenHandler.js partial has been renamed to .htm to be compatible with newer October versions. If you are overriding this partial make sure to rename your partial as well.

Apr 30, 2021


Fixed composer support

Sep 07, 2020


Optimized the extension of RainLab User models

Dec 19, 2019


Added missing import

Mar 18, 2019


Fixed problem with subscription ids (thanks to Adrion)

Jan 10, 2019


Fixed dependency declaration for RainLab.User (thanks to therealkevinard)

Jun 28, 2018


Fixed bug when user tries to unsubscribe

Jun 03, 2018


Fixed bug in fromSubscriptionId method

Nov 24, 2017


Initial release

Oct 05, 2017