Product support

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  • Added on Mar 21, 2016
  • Current version: 1.2.4
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x not tested
    v1.x use latest
  • Created by


DEMO backend user: demo & password: demo

Add more functionality to your website with these awesome basic tools.

Connections Tab

  • Manage Companies and Contacts Directory
  • Create Events and Calendars (component work in progress)
  • Log Contact Form and convert to contacts or company
  • Interactive and customizable contact form component
  • Log Subscribers Form ready to send masive mail with another plugin (NetSTI FrontEnd)
  • Interactive and customizable subscribe form component
  • Slack Integration!

Coming soon: Sales Plugin, Shop Plugin (Paypal Support) and Accounting Plugin. Conecctions is the core for this future plugins

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Documentation for use the components

Contact Form & Subscribe Form

Option Description
Form Options Change the style and customize elements from form
- Input Class Add a custom css class to the form tag
- Show Labels Toggle visibility of the Inputs labels to placeholders labels
- Show Form Title Toggle the visibility of the legend tag
- Form Title Display custom text in the legend tag
- With Bootstrap Icons Select the Style of inputs icons or disable the visibility
- Submit Text Change the Submit button text
- Submit Class Add a custom css class to submit button
Extra Fields Toogle extra fields to form
- Show Phone Add the phone input field to the form
- Show Subject Add the subject input field to the form
- Show Company Add the company input field to the form
On Send Mail preferences
- Details Email Enable sending a email with the details of contact form
- Email to Send Input the email to you want to send the details of contact form
- AutoReply Email Enable sending a email with a auto reply message configuren in preferences > email preferences
  • Found the plugin useful on 17 May, 2019

    The Cumulus bundle is a powerful solution. I've only just started working with it but can see that it will provide me with the ability to offer clients access to multiple levels of services, both paid and free when fully configured. The support is excellent and very fast, many thanks for your assistance so far.

  • Found the plugin useful on 16 Apr, 2016

    I Love the easy way to use the contact form and the subscribers form!


Remove old tables and update database

Aug 04, 2019


New Preferences permissions and Component improvements

Aug 03, 2019


Mail image fixed

Jun 02, 2017


Interface refresh

Feb 06, 2017


Validation email and phone when is empty required both in contact record

Jan 28, 2017


Addd simple address field on create contact record

Jan 28, 2017


Merge companies with contacts

Dec 20, 2016


!!! Please backup all your companies after update and then merge with contacts

Dec 20, 2016


Fix address field

Dec 07, 2016


Fix language errors

Aug 15, 2016


Fix the company function integration

Aug 13, 2016


Mailchimp integration and minor fixes

Aug 11, 2016


Email template and minors fixed

Aug 11, 2016


Add Import all contacts from Company

Apr 11, 2016


Fixed the ModalFormBehavior

Apr 11, 2016


Add New Fields to Contacts and Companies

Apr 08, 2016


Add Calendar Components and Timeline View in Events

Apr 06, 2016


Subscribers Fixed when Name is empty

Feb 28, 2016


Add New Fields to Events

Feb 28, 2016