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MoonWalkerz present "Maps"! A simple map plugin for October CMS. this plugin allows you to add Google Maps or Leaflet map on your website. What more do you want?


  • Leaflet maps integration
  • Google Maps integration
  • Siple to use!

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Do you have any suggestions?\ Do you need to customise this plugin?

Mail: webmaster@moonwalkerz.dev\ Telegram: @MoonWalkerzDev


No dependencies!


You can install this plugin with this command:

composer require moonwalkerz/maps-plugin

⚙️ Documentation ⚙️

Using this plugin is really simple:

1) add {% styles %} and {% scripts %} tags in your layout after css and javascript code.

2) insert the component on the page and and enter the settings you want.

Theare are 2 type of components:

  • "Maps" utilizes Leaflet maps. To use this plugin, you need to provide latitude and longitude coordinates, zoom settings, and the desired height in pixels. If you want a custom marker, you can add "mark.png" and "mark-shadow.png" to "storage/app/media" (you can also customize the file names). Otherwise, the plugin will use the default mark.
  • "GoogleMap" utilizes a Google Map maps. To use this plugin, you need to provide latitude and longitude coordinates, zoom settings, the desired height in pixels and your Google Api Key.

Initialize plugin.

Jul 08, 2023