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FCM Integration and manager for October CMS.

About Plugin

This plugin integrates with the RainLab.User plugin and allows you to send notification messages to users.



Head over to the Firebase Console and fetch your API key and SENDER key from the console.

Now open Settings -> Mobile -> FCM Settings and paste in the keys. You are good to go!

Head over to the Users tab, select any user and send a message to them.

Android Integration

In your Android app, you need to fetch the FCM key and then put it in the user record's FCM key field (which this plugin adds). This will allow you to send messages to that device. If you're using my Mobile User plugin then you can simple send the key thro' it's login API (just add it to the extras field mentioned in it's documentation and it will register itself in the user during the user's login process).


First version of Notify

Dec 28, 2019