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  • Added on May 30, 2016
  • Current version: 1.1.0
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x not tested
    v1.x use latest
  • Created by
  • Public repository


Why Git Repos Manager?

Some of my OctoberCMS installations are divided into multiples git repos (main installation, theme and a few plugins).

After some modifications on these repos, before upload to the server, I was needing a quick way to see what is deployed on the server.

This plugin is an alternative to connect with SSH, goto every directory and looking for the current state of the repo.


In your OctoberCMS backend, go to Updates > Install plugins and search for "martin.gitreposmanager" or install from October Marketplace.


Start by adding all your repos from Backend > Settings > System > Git Repos Manager

After saving, the last commit information is loaded.

You need to manually update the repos to se the updated information.

  • Found the plugin useful on 14 Sep, 2018

    This is a great plugin - once I got around creating tiny plugins to tweak October CMS to my liking, managing all those using numerous git repositories was just very tiresome. This plugins helped me to stay at least somehow sane and organised. Also, the possibility to update repos with one click is just great.

    Thanks for this!


Updated GitElephant version

Jun 11, 2019


Added new option to pull remote repos

Jan 10, 2018


First version of Git Repos Manager plugin

May 27, 2016