Product support

Visit this product's website for support.

  • Added on Feb 10, 2023
  • Current version: 1.0.1
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x use latest
    v2.x use latest
    v1.x not tested
  • Created by
  • Public repository


Year Picker

Add the possibility to choose a year easily in all your forms.

  • Builder compatible
  • Tailor compatible

Made with ?


This plugin needs an OctoberCMS version greater or equal than 2.0 due to Tailor.


First of all, this plugin saves a year as a string in your database, so, please make sure your field is a String (varchar) type.

From the RainLab.Builder interface : You can select the YearPicker form widget and add your field's attributes like other fields. Moreover, you can choose to put a Min. Year and a Max. Year values to limit the selector's options.

To use it in your fields.yaml file:

   label: "Your label"
   type: yearpicker
   minYear: 1997
   maxYear: 2050

To use it with Tailor fields: Just add a field like above, but with type: lp-yearpicker


First version of YearPicker

Feb 09, 2023