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Fill a copy of your shop with a demo data for a development or testing purpose using Demo Data for Shopaholic plugin.


This plugin allows to:

  • fill a catalog with a demo goods;
  • choose the goods type (clothes, sneakers, etc.)
  • set the number of passes of the catalog with a demo dataset;
  • generate content (sliders, banners, etc.) for official Shopaholic themes.

Live demo

No live demo for this plugin. Sorry!

What is Shopaholic?

Shopaholic is free most popular e-commerce ecosystem for October CMS, which admitted as Editor's choice rank. It follows the similar philosophies of October CMS and Unix like operating systems, where the main focus is to create simple microarchitecture solutions that communicate with each other through smart APIs.

One one hand, this approach allows keeping performance, security, and functionality of the code to a high standard. On the other hand, it provides a clean and smooth back-end UI/UX that isn't over-bloated with the features.

You're welcome to visit official website shopaholic.one!

Quality standards

We ensure the high quality of our plugins and provide you with full support. All of our plugins have extensive documentation. The quality of our plugins goes through rigorous testing, we have launched automated testing for all of our plugins. Our code conforms with the best writing and structuring practices. All this guarantees the stable work of our plugins after they are updated with new functionality and ensures their smooth integration.

Get involved

If you're interested in the improvement of Shopaholic project you can help in the following ways:

  • bug reporting and new feature requesting by creating issues on plugin GitHub page;
  • contribution to a project following these instructions;
  • localization to your language using Crowdin service.

Let us know if you have any other questions, ideas or suggestions! Just drop a line at info@shopaholic.one.


© 2019, LOVATA Group, LLC under GNU GPL v3.

Originally developed by Andrey Kharanenka.


You can install this plugin using October CMS backend Dashboard or by adding them to the registered project in your October CMS Marketplace profile.

You can find CLI way below to install the plugin.


Using Laravel CLI is the fastest way to get started. Just run the following commands in a project’s root directory:

php artisan plugin:install Lovata.FakeDataShopaholic


Will be added soon.


No configuration is required.


There are provided GUI and CLI for using the plugin.

In case you prefer GUI, you should add the Fake Data widget to the admin dashboard. Otherwise, you can use CLI.

The following command fills a catalog with demo data:

php artisan shopaholic:generate.fake.data

Please, note, all the existing data will be deleted!

The next one generates additional content such as sliders, banners, etc. for official Shopaholic themes:

php artisan shopaholic:generate.theme.fake.data
  • Found the plugin useful on 26 Nov, 2019

    Wonderful plugin! It is very simple to generate goods with their entire ecosystem. If you have no import, take this!

  • author

    Replied on 26 Nov, 2019

    Hey! Thank you for such a positive feedback!


Added composer.json to plugin

May 02, 2021


Fixed of property values in content set of fruits.

Mar 03, 2020


Added new catalog variant: fruits

Feb 14, 2020


Fixed error with tags in widget partial

Nov 03, 2019


Initialize plugin.

Oct 29, 2019