Product support

Get help in the plugin support forum.

  • Added on Feb 23, 2016
  • Current version: 1.1.5
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x not tested
    v1.x use latest
  • Created by
  • Public repository


Simple easy to use.

Klyp's WPimporter is an extremely powerful and easy to use tool to move your Wordpress posts into October's Blog or Problog.


Blog plugin (http://octobercms.com/plugin/rainlab-blog)


ProBlog plugin (http://octobercms.com/plugin/radiantweb-problog)

3 Steps

  • Export your Wordpress posts using Wordpress' own export tool into XML format
  • Upload the exported XML into the importer
  • Save and import!


  • Import an unlimited number of posts
  • Choose what to import - published or all posts
  • Automatically imports/creates tags and categories
  • Imports featured image
  • Select default author
  • Search and replace unlimited texts


Please donate if you like this plugin or find this plugin useful :)


Make sure you have either the Blog or ProBlog plugin installed.

Once installed, navigate to Settings > Wordpress Importer.

  • Upload your XML (only support XML for now, will support other format in future versions)
  • Select your default Parent Blog Page from the dropdown list
  • Select your default Author (default author will be used if no author is found in the import file)
  • Select what to import (selecting Published will only import published posts)
  • Select Yes from "Import XML after save" dropdown to do the import process immediately after save
  • Select No from "Import XML after save" dropdown to do the import later
  • If you need to search and replace certain texts, enter the texts and replacement texts under "Search for"
  • Click Save or Save and close
  • Found the plugin useful on 14 Jul, 2020

    The import works absolutely perfect, as expected.

  • Found the plugin not useful on 20 Apr, 2020

    did not work, no proper documentation, last update too long time ago

  • Found the plugin not useful on 31 Jul, 2018

    I've got this error during save

    Call to a member function getContents() on integer" on line 145 of /home/vagrant/web/octocms/plugins/klyp/wpimporter/models/Wpimporter.php

  • author

    Replied on 15 Aug, 2018


    Can you please email info@klyp.co with your version of OctoberCMS, and Rainlab Blog?

    Please also include the xml file if possible, so we can test further.

    Thank you

  • Found the plugin not useful on 21 Aug, 2017


  • Found the plugin not useful on 3 Jul, 2017

    Keep getting error "failed to open stream no such file or directory on line 147 of WPimporter.php" depressing because this used to work, but no longer does.

  • Found the plugin not useful on 15 Feb, 2017

    Could you fix the 'The slug format is invalid' error?

  • Found the plugin useful on 24 Jan, 2017

    I have fixed all the errors that people have complained about here. I have improved it also by adding a markdown converter which will automatically convert the content from HTML to markdown.

    Since, I don't know where the original repository is for this plugin, I have created one under my own account otherwise I would have submitted an official PR.

  • Found the plugin useful on 11 Dec, 2016

    Plugins need some new implementations that are fundamental for importing data from wordpress like comments, please can you implement that feature, it's really necesary!


  • Found the plugin useful on 28 Nov, 2016

    If getting path problem: Go to plugins/klyp/wpimporter/models/Wpimporter.php Change line 149 to $importXmlPath = $importXmlFile->getLocalPath();

    For 'The slug format is invalid' error: Go to line 261 and typecast $wpChildren->post_name to string. Or just copy and paste below code:

    if (!empty((string)$wpChildren->post_name)) { $postBlog->slug = (string)$wpChildren->post_name; } else { $postBlog->slug = Str::slug((string)$item->title);

  • Found the plugin not useful on 25 Nov, 2016

    Doesn't work, showing error "The slug format is invalid"

  • Found the plugin not useful on 21 Oct, 2016

    I have the same problem as Gabriel Flores :( Has anyone resolved this?

  • Found the plugin useful on 14 Jul, 2016

    Hello, i have a problem to save .xml, the problem is this:

    "simplexml_load_string(): Entity: line 194625: parser error : CData section not finished <img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-15558" " on line 165 of /home/srv/october/plugins/klyp/wpimporter/models/Wpimporter.php

    Wpimporter.php line 163 to 165

     //replace from to
       $importFile = str_replace($replaceFrom, $replaceTo, $importFileContent);
       $xmls = simplexml_load_string($importFile); 

    XML line 194624 to 194627


  • Found the plugin useful on 8 Jul, 2016

    Very glad to see this support ProBlog

  • Found the plugin useful on 27 Jun, 2016

    @Vince Oveson, @Jan Brtka

    Please email your error message together with your xml file to info@klyp.co

    We will get back to you as soon as possible.

  • Found the plugin not useful on 21 Jun, 2016

    Same here, throws an error on import.

  • Found the plugin not useful on 4 Jun, 2016

    Throws an error when importing. Seems to be related to the file path of the uploaded .xml file.

  • author

    Replied on 22 Aug, 2017


    We have updated the plugin with the fix.

    Please update the plugin :)


File attachement fix

Mar 06, 2019


Fixed file_get_contents() error

Aug 21, 2017


Fixed localpath and slug format

Feb 16, 2017


Improved plugin detection

Mar 06, 2016


Minor fixes

Mar 03, 2016


Support for Blog plugin (1.2.2) and ProBlog plugin (3.2.5)

Mar 02, 2016


First version of Wpimporter

Feb 17, 2016