Product support

Get help in the plugin support forum.

  • Added on Oct 14, 2015
  • Current version: 1.0.1
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x not tested
    v1.x use latest
  • Created by
  • Public repository


The component allows to add Skype button to any front-end page. Please see the Documentation tab for the installation and usage instructions.


Add SkypeButton plugin from backend Update>Install Plugin, search for SkypeButton.

In the sidebar of the Settings page find SkypeButton item. Enter a valid Skype Name ID. Also specify the Skype button size which should be between 10,12,14,16,24 or 32 only.

Front End Component

Open a page in the CMS, locate the SkypeButton component in the components panel. Drag drop SkypeButton to the code editor where you want to place it. The Skype Name parameter can be set in the plugin settings or in the component parameters.

SkypeButton for October CMS

For any additional support contact at research@iocare.in or submit your issues at github: https://github.com/IOCare/SkypeButton/issues


First version of SkypeButton

Oct 12, 2015