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  • Added on Jan 9, 2017
  • Current version: 1.0.4
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x not tested
    v1.x use latest
  • Created by


Let'sEncrypt Certificate Manager (LeCM)


This plugin is in beta state, more improvements will be added soon. Let'sEncrypt Manager provides simple user interface for Let'sEncrypt Certificate request mechanism.

Simple Let's encrypt client concept in PHP and Octobercms plugin.

Note: lescript is standalone part of LEManager. Inspired from Lescript.

LeCM is simplified concept of ACME client implementation especially for Let's Encrypt service. It's goal is to have single user Interface for managing and renewing SSL certificates

Use at your own risk.


See the documentation section. Please change paths as per your server environment - purpose of this library is not to use as it is nor use it in production! You can use it on production server if you know very well what this plugin does.

Support challenge only through webroot.


  • PHP 5.3 and up
  • OpenSSL extension
  • Curl extension

Let’s Encrypt is a free, automated, and open Certificate Authority. This plugin will only generate certificate and key files. Certificate has to be installed manually on your domain/host.


  1. Install the plugin from store
  2. You're done :)


  • Just goto settings and click LetsEncrypt
  • Click create button to create new certificate request.
  • Add email, domain, Website root path and certificate storage path and Click Save

Note Webroot should be a complete physical path to webserver's root.

For ex. /home/userdomain/public_html.</code>

certificate storage should be a complete physical path to webserver's folder which has write access or can use existing ssl folders.

For ex. /home/ssl/certs.

  • This will enable Generate Certificate button
  • Click Generate Certificate, this will take some time.
  • Check the generate log for more info

Feature List

As of 1.0.3
  • Backend Setting for Certificate creation

Planned Features


We recommend to read more information at https://letsencrypt.org. Only expert user with the knowledge of SSL installation should use this plugin


Added Cron Job Support to Auto renew Certificate.

Aug 30, 2019


Updated table iocare_letsencrypt_le

Dec 23, 2016


Created table iocare_letsencrypt_le

Dec 23, 2016


Initialize plugin.

Dec 23, 2016