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Short description

Keep your files in order by using our Intranet plugin. With this plugin you can create infinite number of categories and subcategories and order them as you wish. Easily upload files with drag&drop up to 10 files simultaneously with ease. Once you have categories and files set you can easily search and preview or download them, share files directly on email, move files from category to category, rename category or delete it.

By default you will have two categories already in place, “Uncategorised” and “Secure”. In case you want to delete category or you delete it by mistake, all subcategories will be deleted but every file will be moved to “Uncategorised”, so if you want to delete file you delete them directly with provided option.


Intranet has 2 levels of permission you can set on your user roles.

  1. Intranet access
    • If user has permission then Intranet menu item will be shown inside administration panel
  2. Secure category access
    • If user has permission then “Secure” category will be shown in category menu and user will be able to read or upload files inside that category

User manual

Category menu

When you open intranet page inside administration, you will see category menu on the left side or top depending on your screen size. In the menu you will have listed button to create new category, available categories and their options.

Creating new category

When creating new category window will be displayed with category options where you can choose if your new category will be primary or subcategory and you can give it a name.

Editing category

To edit category, click the pencil icon next to name of category in the menu. At this moment you can only edit category name.

Deleting category

To delete category, click the trash icon next to name of category in the menu. When you decide to delete category keep in mind if that category has files or subcategories with files there is fail-safe mechanism in place so in event of deleting category all files from that category and every subcategory will be moved to “Uncategorised”. Deleting category will result in deleting all it’s subcategories as well.

Uploading files

When you click on category inside menu it’s name will be slightly highlighted which means that is the current selected category. When you select wanted category you can click on green box or just drag & drop files inside of it. At the moment you can upload up to 10 files simultaneously. When you select files it will show little preview inside green box from where you can remove files if you accidentally add file. When you are ready to save files click on button below “Save files”.

Files table

When you select category system will automatically show files from that category inside table. Table data can be searched, sorted and you can select how many files to show per page. Every file listed have 4 options. View/Download, Delete, Email share, Move file. If you want to search for certain file in table type in it’s ID or name.

Email sharing

You can share selected file by clicking envelope icon. Window will appear and inside you can enter one or more email addresses separated by comma (,) and then click "Send".

File move

To move file from current category click on two files icon. When you click on icon window will appear and inside you can see current category, file name, and select with listed categories. Selecting category in which you want to move your file and clicking button “Move” will move that file.


If you are having any troubles installing Intranet or using it please contact us at info@ideaverum.hr and we will be glad to assist you.


For demo of intranet please visit http://ponuda.ideaverum.hr/backend

Login data

login: korisnik

password: demokorisnik

Future features

If you have any feature requests, please let us know.


Libraries used by Intranet

  1. Vue.js - MIT https://vuejs.org/
  2. Dropzone.js - MIT https://www.dropzonejs.com/
  3. JQuery datatables - MIT https://datatables.net/
  4. SweetAlert2.js - MIT https://sweetalert2.github.io/

Understanding plugin logic

Please check contracts folder there you will find interfaces implemented by model and repository. From there you can get general idea how everything works and in case you want to extend the plugin functionality use interfaces and it's methods to speed up your development and code readability.

Email layout and template

Plugin will register Intranet layout and it's template. Styling of layout can be changed as every other email layout or template inside OctoberCMS administration.


Since category folders and files are stored inside storage you have to set up storage folder permissions.


Inside config folder you can find base filepath and file model has methods to return filepath.


Fourth version - little datatable style change, toastr removed, sweetalert is used in place of toastr, README updated, USERMANUAL added

Dec 19, 2019


Third version - disabled creating subcategories inside Uncategorised category

Dec 18, 2019


Second version - translation added

Dec 13, 2019


First version

Dec 12, 2019

Before installation

Check your storage folder permissions before installing the plugin

After updating plugin or core

Sometimes email layout and template lose reference after updating. Working on a fix for that but simple opening and re-saving template and layout in email settings should fix the problem.