Product support

Visit this product's website for support.

  • Added on May 25, 2014
  • Current version: 1.1.6
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x not tested
    v1.x use latest
  • License: Regular / Extended
  • Created by


Redirection is a powerful tool for site owners that provides a backend interface for creating site redirects.


Match types Exact, Begins With, Ends With, Regular Expression
Redirect types 301 (Permanent) or 302 (Temporary)
Hit counters See how many people are hitting your redirects
Sortable Trigger the redirect you want for any given URL
Test URL Know exactly which redirects will trigger for any given URL
Simple Backend Interface No more struggling with .htaccess files trying to figure out why your redirects aren't working
Redirect list

Available Match Types

Matches Exactly A complete URL. Include the protocol and the query string.
Starts With Any URL that begins with what you specify. Include the protocol.
Ends With Any URL that ends with what you specify. Include the query string.
Regex Regular expression match. Supports wildcards and variables. See below.

Regular Expression URL Matching

Setting Match Type to Regex allows matching of multiple URLs in a single redirect. This can be useful for example when renaming your category URL from /category/ to /products/. A store often has tens or hundreds of categories so creating one redirect for each category URL isn't feasible. Regular Expressions allows a single redirect to cover all these URLs

Example Usage

Create a redirect as follows:

Match Type Regex
Redirect Type Permanent
From URL http://yoursite.com/category/(.+) - (.+) means 'Match anything and save to a variable'
To URL http://yoursite.com/products/$1 - $1 means 'Use variable #1'

For more information on regular expressions, see wikipedia or regular-expressions.info.

What is causing this redirect?

Some sites can have a lot of redirects and it can become difficult to figure out why a specific URL is redirecting. For this purpose I've added a Test URL button. Enter the URL that is redirecting in the backend and all matching Redirects will appear in a table below.

Have a feature suggestion? Found a bug or need support?

Please use the contact form on my website and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. I usually respond within a few hours depending on timezone differences.

  • Found the plugin not useful on 28 Apr, 2016

    Nice plugin, but UI is a bit outdated. Works not very efficient on database with a lot of redirects, because al redirects are stored and queried in MySQL database.

    Note: There is an alternative plugin available "Redirect" which has even more features and it's free. I recommend you to check that one out too.

  • Found the plugin useful on 22 Jan, 2016

    Excellent plugin, excellent support.

  • Found the plugin useful on 14 Sep, 2015

    Works just as advertised. Loving it.


Fix deprecated YAML syntax

Jan 29, 2016


Back to URL::full()

Jan 20, 2016


Fixed JS error

Dec 17, 2015


Improved UI

Sep 28, 2015


Bug fix when redirecting away from non existant pages

Aug 16, 2015


Added import/export

Jul 29, 2015


Switch to cached PHP routing engine

Feb 27, 2015


URL::full() was removed. Use URL::to() instead

Feb 21, 2015


RC compatibility fix

Feb 11, 2015


Use new settings layout

Jul 28, 2014


Validation compatibility fix for October v117

Jul 12, 2014


Add permissions

Jun 22, 2014


Use new sortable trait

Jun 18, 2014


Bug fixes

Jun 08, 2014


Bug fixes

May 30, 2014


Initialize plugin

May 30, 2014