Product support

Visit this product's website for support.

  • Added on Jan 21, 2020
  • Current version: 1.0.18
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x use latest
    v1.x use latest
  • License: Regular / Extended
  • Extensions: 2
  • Created by


The Commentable plugin for October CMS provides a flexible and seamless commenting framework for your October CMS site. Comments are fully moderateable by backend and frontend-only users.


  • Threads aren't limited to models - create them for anything and everything
  • Frontend comment moderation with support for frontend-only moderators
  • Moderator emails for new pending comments
  • Report as spam option
  • Thread-specific options for pre-moderation and pre-approval
  • Thread sorting options
  • Gravatar support
  • Customizable markup
  • Akismet anti-spam support


Have a feature suggestion? Found a bug or need support?

Please use the contact form on my website and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. I usually respond within a few hours depending on timezone differences.

Seamless site comment thread integration


This plugin relies on RainLab.User, so make sure you have that installed.

Go to System - Updates and in the search field enter Flynsarmy.Commentable


Comment Thread

Displays a comment thread.

  • Add the Comment Thread component to your layout, page or partial.
  • Set the Thread Type and Thread ID options
    • Think of Thread Type like a category. It can be 'blog post', 'product', 'event' etc. Name it however you want.
    • Thread ID is a unique identifier within the current Thread Type. If your thread is for a blog post for example, you could use the :slug URL parameter to have it automatically generate based on your post slug.
  • Add {% component 'comments' %} to your page

Comment Counts

A simple component that outputs the number of publically visible comments for a given thread.

  • Add the Comment Count component to your layout, page or partial.
  • Add {% component 'commentCount' type='MyType' id='myId' %} to your page
    • The id and type values should be dynamically passed to the component allowing, for example, display of the total number of comments on each post on a blog category page.


New comments

As an end user makes a comment, if pre-moderation is enabled, all October administrators will receive a notification email with link to the comment. The comment will sit in a pending state until approved and not be visible to other end users. Deleted comments are also only visible to moderators. All pending comments are also listed in the Notifications section of October Admin - Comments page.


Mailouts use October's queue service for maximum performance. If this is not configured, they may still send out but will provide a much slower experience for your end users.


Commentable automatically creates a 'Comment Moderator' group in the Users section of admin. Assign this group to allow frontend users to moderate comments. Backend administrators with the 'Comments - Access Comments' permission are also moderators.

  • Found the plugin not useful on 3 Jul, 2022

    got an error: Undefined variable $treeLevel ~/plugins/flynsarmy/commentable/controllers/notifications/list/_list_body_rows.htm line 2

    wish to be refunded please

  • Found the plugin useful on 5 Apr, 2020

    Excellent plugin ! I tested many other also paid but this is exactly what i was looking for ! I suggest you to buy !


Allow passing `commentable_id` and `commentable_type` params to Comments component

Jul 04, 2022


Fix potential warning on Notifications backend page

Jul 03, 2022


Fix incorrect redirect when creating threads in the backend

Mar 11, 2021


Use guarded instead of fillable in Comment model

Oct 23, 2020


Minimize number of DB calls required to render author information

Jun 18, 2020


Remove a composer package so as not to break composer-based October installs in development mode

May 18, 2020


Fix error when comments are attached to deleted user

May 12, 2020



May 10, 2020


Fix JS error on thread list in backend

May 05, 2020


Fix incorrect folder casing on commentCount component

May 02, 2020


Don't set a page variable with commentCount component

Apr 23, 2020


Fix error replying to comments

Apr 14, 2020


Fix ordering by comment count in Threads admin page

Mar 28, 2020


Add October.Drivers as a required plugin

Mar 24, 2020


Fix missing comment_actions partial

Mar 24, 2020


Potential fix for missing commentactions partial

Mar 22, 2020


Fix component partial syntax

Mar 22, 2020


First version of Commentable

Jan 18, 2020