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Vietnamese address plugin

This plugin will show all Vietnamses provinces, districts and wards. The data from


All data of provinces, district and wards that be saved in json file that exists in assets folder of plugin.

The next version of plugin will be updated when data from https://danhmuchanhchinh.gso.gov.vn/ updated.


Tổng cục Thống Kê: https://danhmuchanhchinh.gso.gov.vn/

Export data plugin: https://github.com/madnh/hanhchinhvn

The data of provinces will be saved in assets/provinces.json:

'01': { 'name': 'Hà Nội', 'slug': 'ha-noi', 'type': 'thanh-pho', 'name_with_type': 'Thành phố Hà Nội', 'code': '01' }, '79': { 'name': 'Hồ Chí Minh', 'slug': 'ho-chi-minh', 'type': 'thanh-pho', 'name_with_type': 'Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh', 'code': '79' },

The data of districts will be saved in assets/districts/{province_code}.json:

'777': { 'name': 'Bình Tân', 'type': 'quan', 'slug': 'binh-tan', 'name_with_type': 'Quận Bình Tân', 'path': 'Bình Tân, Hồ Chí Minh', 'path_with_type': 'Quận Bình Tân, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh', 'code': '777', 'parent_code': '79' }, '778': { 'name': '7', 'type': 'quan', 'slug': '7', 'name_with_type': 'Quận 7', 'path': '7, Hồ Chí Minh', 'path_with_type': 'Quận 7, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh', 'code': '778', 'parent_code': '79' },

The data of wards will be saved in assets/wards/{district_code}.json:

'27481': { 'name': 'Tân Quy', 'type': 'phuong', 'slug': 'tan-quy', 'name_with_type': 'Phường Tân Quy', 'path': 'Tân Quy, 7, Hồ Chí Minh', 'path_with_type': 'Phường Tân Quy, Quận 7, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh', 'code': '27481', 'parent_code': '778' }, '27484': { 'name': 'Phú Thuận', 'type': 'phuong', 'slug': 'phu-thuan', 'name_with_type': 'Phường Phú Thuận', 'path': 'Phú Thuận, 7, Hồ Chí Minh', 'path_with_type': 'Phường Phú Thuận, Quận 7, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh', 'code': '27484', 'parent_code': '778' },

How to get list of provinces/districts/wards

I provided three class in Classes namespace included Provice class, District class and Ward Class.

For example, to get list of provinces

$provinces = \EgalHTN\VietnameseAddress\Classes\Provice::getList();

To get list of districts that depends on the above Provice, we can use

$districts = \EgalHTN\VietnameseAddress\Classes\District::getList($province_code)

which $province_code is a value of 'code' colum in json file.

To get list of wards that depends on the above Ward, we can use

$districts = \EgalHTN\VietnameseAddress\Classes\Ward::getList($district_code)

To get data of province/district/ward, we can use getContent() function in each class. That function return array of data

How to get content of province/district/ward

In Province, getContent has one param is $province_code

$province = \EgalHTN\VietnameseAddress\Classes\Province::getContent($province_code)

In District, getContent has two params are $province_code, $district_code

$district = \EgalHTN\VietnameseAddress\Classes\District::getContent($province_code, $district_code)

In Ward, getContent has two params are $district_code, $ward_code

$ward = \EgalHTN\VietnameseAddress\Classes\Ward::getContent($district_code, $ward_code)


Add getContent function to get data of province/district/ward

Oct 05, 2021


First version of Address

Oct 02, 2021