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UniCrumbs plugin

Universal plugin for creating a list of breadcrumbs for October CMS.

Plugin features

  • Multi-language breadcrumbs (via RainLab.Translate).
  • Support for dynamic pages (CMS section).
  • Support JSON-LD markup.
  • Automatic receipt of the integration code.
  • Additional GET requests for breadcrumbs.


All lists of breadcrumbs are formed in the UniCrumbs section of the site settings. To connect the list of breadcrumbs to the desired page, you need to add a component and a connection code (if necessary, set up adding dynamic data).


The code for connecting breadcrumbs directly depends on the parent elements. Therefore, after changing the order of the elements, it can significantly change!


Using the Laravel’s CLI is the fastest way to get started. Just run the following commands in a project’s root directory:

php artisan plugin:install Dubk0ff.UniCrumbs

Breadcrumbs are of three types:

  • Static - crumb with a relative link.
  • Segment - crumb with a link segment. The segment will be added to the link of the previous breadcrumb. If it is missing, a relative link will be created.
  • CMS - crumb pointing to the CMS section page to get the link.

At least one template is required to display the list of breadcrumbs.


For static headers:

My home page!

For dynamic headers:

My %s page!

The specified %s specifiers will be replaced when displaying breadcrumbs (the number of specifiers must match the number of parameters). The data is indicated for a specific bread shop by its ID:

'titles' => [
    11 => [

To completely replace the header, you can pass a string with the ID of the breadcrumb:

'titles' => [
    11 => 'Replace - My home page!'


The UniCrumbs plugin can automatically recognize dynamic pages in the CMS section and the necessary parameters for them.

Setting dynamic data to get a link is done in the slugs array by its ID:

'slugs' => [
    11 => [
        'post' => '$this->param('post_slug')'

URL query parameters

You may need to add additional GET parameters for links in some cases:

// Additional GET parameters
'queries' => [
    11 => [
        'status' => 'new',
        'color' => 'red'


To hide one or more breadcrumbs, add the necessary IDs to the invisible array.

// IDs of crumbs to hide
'invisible' => [8, 13]


An example of connecting breadcrumbs to the village.


If there is no dynamic data, the connection code can be ignored.

function onEnd()
    /* UniCrumbs connection parameters */
    $this['unicrumbs_parameters'] = [
        // Dynamic titles parameters
        'titles' => [
            11 => [
        // Dynamic slugs parameters
        'slugs' => [
            11 => [
                'post' => '$this->param('post_slug')'
        // URL query parameters
        'queries' => [
            11 => [
                'status' => 'new',
                'color' => 'red'
        // Hide IDs breadcrumbs
        'invisible' => [8, 13]


breadcrumbs = 11
template = 1
isJsonLd = 1
isCache = 1
cacheTime = 24
uuid = "01878a05-f536-70b5-9889-f02e9ec285bd"

Passing data to the config can be done in the twig template before displaying the breadcrumbs.

{{ unicrumbs.setParameters('titles', {11: blogPost.title}) }}

{% component "unicrumbs" %}


If you are interested in improving this plugin, please submit bug reports and feature requests on the plugin GitHub page.


Cache clearing bug fix.

Apr 24, 2023


Update UniCrumbs plugin.

Apr 23, 2023


Init first version UniCrumbs plugin.

Dec 03, 2020