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SeoCore Extension for the Shopaholic plugin

Adds to the model: Product, Category, Brand, PromoBlock to the meta relation.

Adds a Category model related to a meta template. Thus, the product category can serve as a template for the meta data of the product.

All meta data of the models have been uploaded to the cached collections of the shopaholic.

Adds a method to the product to get a meta template:

$product = ProductItem::make(1);
Category meta

This method searches for the closest meta template up the category tree

How to use

1. For category page

title = "Category page"
url = "/catalog/category/:slug"

{% set category = CategoryPage.get() %}

{% put meta %}
    {% SeoCollector model=category meta=category.meta %}
{% endput %}

2. For brand page

title = "Brand page"
url = "/catalog/brand/:slug"

{% set brand = BrandPage.get() %}

{% put meta %}
    {% SeoCollector model=brand meta=brand.meta %}
{% endput %}

3. For promo block page

title = "Promo page"
url = "/catalog/promo/:slug"

{% set promoBlock = PromoBlockPage.get() %}

{% put meta %}
    {% SeoCollector model=promoBlock meta=promoBlock.meta %}
{% endput %}

4. For product page

title = "Product page"
url = "/catalog/product/:slug"

{% set product = ProductPage.get() %}

{% put meta %}
    {% SeoCollector
        params={category: product.category}
{% endput %}

Added required Lovata.Shopaholic

May 12, 2024


First version of SeoCoreForShopaholic

May 12, 2024