Product support

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This replaces the SnappyPDF plugin by Luke Towers that is no longer available on the marketplace.


October-fied wrapper around the wkhtmltopdf and wkhtmltoimage conversion libraries provided through the barryvdh/laravel-snappy package.


To install from the Marketplace, click on the "Add to Project" button and then select the project you wish to add it to before updating the project to pull in the plugin.

To install from the backend, go to Settings -> Updates & Plugins -> Install Plugins and then search for Briddle.SnappyPDF.

NOTE: On some Linux systems you may need to install the following dependencies (generally when the process fails with "The exit status code 127 says something went wrong"). Pulled from https://github.com/barryvdh/laravel-snappy/issues/68.

sudo apt-get install -y \
libxrender1 \
libfontconfig1 \
libx11-dev \
libjpeg62 \

If you get "The exit status code 1 says something went wrong" you may need to install the following dependencies. Pulled from https://github.com/wkhtmltopdf/wkhtmltopdf/issues/3001#issuecomment-309673453

sudo apt-get install -y \

NOTE: You might not be able to install libssl1.0-dev in Homestead, make sure you run sudo apt-get update first.


The main configuration values that you may wish to change would be the paths to the executable binaries for wkhtmltopdf and wkhtmltoimage. These binaries are pulled into plugins/briddle/snappypdf/vendor/bin by default (when installing from the marketplace) and the default configuration reflects this.

If you need to change the path used to locate those binaries, then you have a few options. If you are already using .env files for environment level configuration then you can simply add SNAPPY_PDF_BINARY and SNAPPY_IMAGE_BINARY with their respective paths to your .env file and call it a day.

If you are not using .env files, or you need to change a configuration value other than the binary paths; then you can override this plugin's configuration and change the necessary values by copying config/config.php from the plugin into your project's config/briddle/snappypdf/config.php file (as specified in the OctoberCMS docs).


When using this plugin, it is highly recommended that you add a dependency on it to the plugin you are using it from.

In order to use the libraries provided by this plugin (SnappyPDF and SnappyImage), simply import them with use statements at the top of your PHP files.

Stream PDF to browser

The example below will render a record from a controller and stream it to the browser for downloading or viewing.

<?php namespace MyVendor\MyPlugin\Controllers;

use File;
use Twig;
use Response;
use SnappyPDF;
use Backend\Classes\Controller;

use MyVendor\MyPlugin\Models\Example as ExampleModel;

class Examples extends Controller
    public function download($id)
        // Load the example record
        $example = ExampleModel::find($id);

        // Load the template
        $template = File::get(plugins_path('myvendor/myplugin/views/example-record-template.htm'));

        // Render the template
        $renderedHtml = Twig::parse($template, [
            'example' => $example,

        // Render as a PDF
        $pdf = SnappyPDF::loadHTML($renderedHtml)
            ->setOption('margin-top', 0)
            ->setOption('margin-bottom', 0)
            ->setOption('margin-left', 0)
            ->setOption('margin-right', 0)

        return Response::make($pdf, 200, [
            'Content-Type'        => 'application/pdf',
            'Content-Disposition' => "filename={$example->name}.pdf",

Return a PDF to the AJAX framework for downloading

<?php namespace MyVendor\MyPlugin\Controllers;

use File;
use Twig;
use Backend;
use Response;
use SnappyPDF;
use Backend\Classes\Controller;

use MyVendor\MyPlugin\Models\Example as ExampleModel;

class Examples extends Controller
    public function onDownloadPDF()
        $recordId = input('recordId');
        return Backend::redirect("myvendor/myplugin/examples/download/$recordId");

    public function download($id)
        // Load the example record
        $example = ExampleModel::find($id);

        // Load the template
        $template = File::get(plugins_path('myvendor/myplugin/views/example-record-template.htm'));

        // Render the template
        $renderedHtml = Twig::parse($template, [
            'example' => $example,

        // Render as a PDF
        $pdf = SnappyPDF::loadHTML($renderedHtml)->output();

        return Response::make($pdf, 200, [
            'Content-Type'        => 'application/pdf',
            'Content-Transfer-Encoding' => 'binary',
            'Content-Disposition' => "attachment; filename=\"{$example->name}.pdf\"",

More information on utilizing the libraries is available at the barryvdh/laravel-snappy repository and the wkhtmltopdf manual.


IMPORTANT NOTICE! All my activities on October CMS are suspended indefinitely after my second burn-out. I do not offer any support or updates


October-fied wrapper around the wkhtmltopdf and wkhtmltoimage conversion libraries provided through the barryvdh/laravel-snappy package.


To install from the Marketplace, click on the "Add to Project" button and then select the project you wish to add it to before updating the project to pull in the plugin.

To install from the backend, go to Settings -> Updates & Plugins -> Install Plugins and then search for Briddle.SnappyPDF.

NOTE: On some Linux systems you may need to install the following dependencies (generally when the process fails with "The exit status code 127 says something went wrong"). Pulled from https://github.com/barryvdh/laravel-snappy/issues/68.

sudo apt-get install -y \
libxrender1 \
libfontconfig1 \
libx11-dev \
libjpeg62 \

If you get "The exit status code 1 says something went wrong" you may need to install the following dependencies. Pulled from https://github.com/wkhtmltopdf/wkhtmltopdf/issues/3001#issuecomment-309673453

sudo apt-get install -y \

NOTE: You might not be able to install libssl1.0-dev in Homestead, make sure you run sudo apt-get update first.


The main configuration values that you may wish to change would be the paths to the executable binaries for wkhtmltopdf and wkhtmltoimage. These binaries are pulled into plugins/briddle/snappypdf/vendor/bin by default (when installing from the marketplace) and the default configuration reflects this.

If you need to change the path used to locate those binaries, then you have a few options. If you are already using .env files for environment level configuration then you can simply add SNAPPY_PDF_BINARY and SNAPPY_IMAGE_BINARY with their respective paths to your .env file and call it a day.

If you are not using .env files, or you need to change a configuration value other than the binary paths; then you can override this plugin's configuration and change the necessary values by copying config/config.php from the plugin into your project's config/briddle/snappypdf/config.php file (as specified in the OctoberCMS docs).


When using this plugin, it is highly recommended that you add a dependency on it to the plugin you are using it from.

In order to use the libraries provided by this plugin (SnappyPDF and SnappyImage), simply import them with use statements at the top of your PHP files.

Stream PDF to browser

The example below will render a record from a controller and stream it to the browser for downloading or viewing.

<?php namespace MyVendor\MyPlugin\Controllers;

use File;
use Twig;
use Response;
use SnappyPDF;
use Backend\Classes\Controller;

use MyVendor\MyPlugin\Models\Example as ExampleModel;

class Examples extends Controller
    public function download($id)
        // Load the example record
        $example = ExampleModel::find($id);

        // Load the template
        $template = File::get(plugins_path('myvendor/myplugin/views/example-record-template.htm'));

        // Render the template
        $renderedHtml = Twig::parse($template, [
            'example' => $example,

        // Render as a PDF
        $pdf = SnappyPDF::loadHTML($renderedHtml)
            ->setOption('margin-top', 0)
            ->setOption('margin-bottom', 0)
            ->setOption('margin-left', 0)
            ->setOption('margin-right', 0)

        return Response::make($pdf, 200, [
            'Content-Type'        => 'application/pdf',
            'Content-Disposition' => "filename={$example->name}.pdf",

Return a PDF to the AJAX framework for downloading

<?php namespace MyVendor\MyPlugin\Controllers;

use File;
use Twig;
use Backend;
use Response;
use SnappyPDF;
use Backend\Classes\Controller;

use MyVendor\MyPlugin\Models\Example as ExampleModel;

class Examples extends Controller
    public function onDownloadPDF()
        $recordId = input('recordId');
        return Backend::redirect("myvendor/myplugin/examples/download/$recordId");

    public function download($id)
        // Load the example record
        $example = ExampleModel::find($id);

        // Load the template
        $template = File::get(plugins_path('myvendor/myplugin/views/example-record-template.htm'));

        // Render the template
        $renderedHtml = Twig::parse($template, [
            'example' => $example,

        // Render as a PDF
        $pdf = SnappyPDF::loadHTML($renderedHtml)->output();

        return Response::make($pdf, 200, [
            'Content-Type'        => 'application/pdf',
            'Content-Transfer-Encoding' => 'binary',
            'Content-Disposition' => "attachment; filename=\"{$example->name}.pdf\"",

More information on utilizing the libraries is available at the barryvdh/laravel-snappy repository and the wkhtmltopdf manual.


Uploaded to the marketplace after Luke Towers left

Apr 27, 2021


Fix for v1.1.1 of October

Apr 27, 2021


Added windows binaries

Apr 27, 2021


Made available on Packagist

Apr 27, 2021


Fixed the wkhtmltoX binaries not being executable upon first install from the marketplace

Apr 27, 2021


Fixed one of the alternative locations the wkhtmltopdf binaries could be loaded from

Apr 27, 2021


First version of SnappyPDF

Apr 27, 2021