Product support

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  • Added on Jul 18, 2018
  • Current version: 1.0.2
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x not tested
    v1.x use latest
  • License: Regular / Extended
  • Created by


Our plugin is based on the free OpenWeatherMap API and works with free API key for weather data receiving with limitation for this plan , but you can buy any key for paid plans and use it for your purposes.


  1. Weather forecast provided by FREE OpenWeatherMap API;
  2. Conversion measurements and settings for temperature, wind and pressure;s.
  3. Possibility to use OpenWeatherMap API key for free and paid plans;
  4. Font-based weather icons.

Our plugin is based on free OpenWeatherMap API(http://openweathermap.org/) and works with free API key for weather data receiving with limitation for this plan , but you can buy any key for paid plans and use it for your purposes.


  1. Add BABA.Weather plugin to a project.
  2. Add the Weather component to a page where you want to display weather.

Page Source

{% component "weatherBox" 
CityName = "Singapore"
Language = "en"
Unit = "metric" 
Forcast = 3
apiKey = "xxxx"
cache = 43200


  1. CityName The cities' Names can be found in the following file:http://bulk.openweathermap.org/sample/city.list.json.gz (4M)

  2. Language You can use language to get the output in your language. NOTE: Translation is only applied for the "description" field.

  3. Unit Standard, metric, and imperial units are available. When you do not use units parameter, format is Standard by default.

    Temperature is available in Fahrenheit, Celsius and Kelvin units.

    • For temperature in Fahrenheit use units=imperial
    • For temperature in Celsius use units=metric
    • Temperature in Kelvin is used by default, no need to use units parameter in API call

    List of all API parameters with units openweathermap.org/weather-data

  4. Forcast Get forecast for the next ? days (free account max 5 days).

  5. apiKey your api key.

  6. cache default cache time 43200 seconds(12 hours).

Please check out the following official links to read about the terms, pricing and license of OpenWeatherMap before using the service:


fixed "Class \BABA\Weather\Components\WeatherBox does not exist".

Aug 11, 2018


Initialize plugin.

Jul 14, 2018