Product support

Get help in the plugin support forum.

  • Added on Dec 28, 2021
  • Current version: 1.1.0
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x use latest
    v1.x not tested
  • License: Regular / Extended
  • Created by


Visual Form Builder is a plugin that allows you to build and manage many kinds of forms for your website in a single place. Building a fully functional contact form takes only a few minutes and you don’t have to write one bit of PHP, CSS, or HTML!


  • Add fields with one click
  • Drag-and-drop reordering
  • Automatically stores form entries in your October CMS database
  • Manage form entries in the October CMS backend
  • Export entries to a CSV file
  • Form Validation
  • Standard Fields
  • Required Fields
  • One-click form duplication. Copy a form you’ve already built to save time
  • Use your own CSS (if you want)
  • Redirect to a Page or a URL
  • Send form submissions to multiple emails (October CMS mail templates)


  • Text input (single line)
  • Textarea (multiple lines)
  • Number input
  • Checkbox
  • Select dropdown
  • Radio (multiple choice)
  • Date Picker
  • Time Picker
  • Rating
  • Range Sliders
  • File Upload
  • Image Upload
  • Tree select
  • Rich editor
  • Switch
  • Button (submit, reset)
  • Alert
  • Label
  • Raw HTML
  • Layouts
    • Divider
    • Card
    • Tabs
    • Grid
    • Table


  1. Add BABA.Vformbuilder plugin to a project.
  2. Add the vformbuilder component to a page where you want to display form.

Page Source

{% component "vbuildform" formid=2 %}
or (form id from url parameter)
{% component "vbuildform" formid=this.param.formid %}


  1. formid is required
  • Found the plugin not useful on 4 Jul, 2022

    After Installation Unable to upgrade to version 1.0.9. Getting following errors


    • v1.0.1 Initialize plugin.
    • v1.0.2 Created table baba_vformbuilder_forms
    • v1.0.3 Created table baba_vformbuilder_records
    • v1.0.4 Updated table baba_vformbuilder_records
    • v1.0.5 Updated table baba_vformbuilder_records
    • v1.0.6 Updated table baba_vformbuilder_records
    • v1.0.7 Updated table baba_vformbuilder_records
    • v1.0.8 Updated table baba_vformbuilder_forms
    • v1.0.9: Migration "create_baba_vformbuilder_view1.php" failed, attempting to rollback Rollback failed! Reason: "SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 4092 Unknown VIEW: 'rnkqhfkmnx.view_baba_vformbuilder_records' (SQL: drop VIEW view_baba_vformbuilder_records)"

    In Connection.php line 669:

    SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 4092 Unknown VIEW: 'rnkqhfkmnx.view_baba_vformbuilder_records' (SQL: drop VIEW view_baba_vformbuilder_records)

    In Exception.php line 18:

    SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 4092 Unknown VIEW: 'rnkqhfkmnx.view_baba_vformbuilder_records'

    In PDOStatement.php line 117:

    SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 4092 Unknown VIEW: 'rnkqhfkmnx.view_baba_vformbuilder_records'

  • author

    Replied on 13 Aug, 2022

    Hi, please update "/baba/vformbuilder/updates/create_baba_vformbuilder_view1.php" line 16 from

    DB::statement("DROP VIEW `view_baba_vformbuilder_records`");


    DB::statement("DROP VIEW IF EXISTS view_baba_vformbuilder_records");

    i will post a new update soon

  • Found the plugin not useful on 23 Jan, 2022

    Not working in October 2.0! Errors in admin panel

  • author

    Replied on 23 Jan, 2022

    Find out the problems caused by missing view, will update the plugin soon!

    CREATE VIEW `view_baba_vformbuilder_records` AS select `a`.`form_id` AS `form_id`,`b`.`name` AS `name`,`a`.`bill_no` AS `bill_no`,count(`a`.`id`) AS `field_count`,max(`a`.`created_at`) AS `created_at` from (`baba_vformbuilder_records` `a` join `baba_vformbuilder_forms` `b` on((`a`.`form_id` = `b`.`id`))) group by `a`.`form_id`,`a`.`bill_no`

    please upgrade to version 1.0.9


fix drop view error

Aug 13, 2022


Created record view

Jan 24, 2022


Updated table baba_vformbuilder_forms

Jan 03, 2022


Updated table baba_vformbuilder_records

Dec 26, 2021


Updated table baba_vformbuilder_records

Dec 26, 2021


Updated table baba_vformbuilder_records

Dec 26, 2021


Updated table baba_vformbuilder_records

Dec 26, 2021


Created table baba_vformbuilder_records

Dec 26, 2021


Created table baba_vformbuilder_forms

Dec 26, 2021


Initialize plugin.

Dec 26, 2021