Product support

Get help in the plugin support forum.

  • Added on Oct 10, 2018
  • Current version: 2018.10.6
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x not tested
    v1.x use latest
  • Created by



  • Forms - create 3 types of forms (order, feedback and request) with custom field settings.
  • Mail Alert - get the contents of the forms by Email and notify the customer. For this created 6 templates for email (3 user and 3 admin) examples in the screenshots. The email allows the administrator to go to the order in one click.
  • Flexible setting - you can create multiple configurations and switch in one click
  • Dual language support - English and Russian


  1. Install the plugin
  2. Make sure that the layout contains {% styles %}, {% scripts%}, and {% extrase%} frames. Add a component named "Modal" to your template footer. The example below
  3. Configure the "Modal" component (turn off or turn on jquery, magnific-popup, css style). The example below
  4. Add a component named "Button" to where you want to call the form.
  5. In the settings of the Button component, select the form type (request, feedback and order)
  6. If you want to display the order form then you must pass to the id component of the product, an example below
    {% component 'Button' item_id = 1 %}

  7. Go to the plugin settings and configure the plugin
  8. Enjoy


If you want to use another plugin directory, you need to make the following changes to the files

  • Plugin.php - remove

    public $require = ['Lovata.Shopaholic'];
  • Models/Order.php - Change to your plugin

    use Lovata\Shopaholic\Models\Product;
    public $belongsTo = [
       'product' => [
    public function onGetProductName() {
        return [0 => '<span class="noparent"> -- </span>'] + Product::lists('name', 'id');
  • Classes/Send.php

use Lovata\Shopaholic\Models\Product;

158 line

 $product = Product::where('id', $product_id)->first();
  • Found the plugin useful on 21 Oct, 2018

    Артем! Сделал все по инструкции, все подключилось, но выводит пустое модальное окно, помоги разобраться, так как этот My clients, что мне нужно! С Ув.

  • author

    Replied on 21 Oct, 2018

    В первую очередь, когда добавляете компонент в шаблон необходимо там включить или отключить необходимые параметры. Особое внимание стоит уделить наличию в шаблоне {% framework extras %} {% scripts %} . У Вас плагин корректно установился?(если нет установите вручную Shopaholic плагин, потом этот) Если да, проверьте еще раз посмотрев моё видео https://yadi.sk/i/vzhxSKzKwnCqDQ


Fix bug seeder settings

Dec 06, 2018


Delete file seeder

Dec 06, 2018


Fix bug seeder settings

Dec 06, 2018


Fix bug seeder settings

Oct 23, 2018


Fix bug validator

Oct 11, 2018


First version plugin

Oct 10, 2018