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  • Interactive Maps Integration: Allows users to pick locations directly on a map.
  • Customizable Markers: Configure marker colors, sizes, opacity, and more.
  • Zoom and Pan Options: Enable automatic zooming and panning based on user interactions.
  • Default Centering: Set a default location on the map for better user guidance.

    Field Options:

  • markerColor: Customize the marker's fill color.
  • defaultCenter: Define the default map center as latitude,longitude.
  • panToClick: Enable the map to pan when a user clicks.
  • zoomToClick: Automatically zoom the map when a user clicks.
  • markerScale: Adjust the marker's scale/size.
  • markerOpacity: Define the marker's opacity.
  • markerStrokeWidth: Set the stroke width for markers.
  • markerStrokeColor: Define the stroke color for markers.


  • Interactive Maps Integration: Allows users to pick locations directly on a map.
  • Customizable Markers: Configure marker colors, sizes, opacity, and more.
  • Zoom and Pan Options: Enable automatic zooming and panning based on user interactions.
  • Default Centering: Set a default location on the map for better user guidance.


1. php artisan plugin:install AliCemalTuran.GoogleMapsLocationPicker
2. or composer require alicemalturan/googlemapslocationpicker-plugin


To use the location picker field in your forms, configure it as shown below:

        type: mapspicker
        label: Konum
        defaultCenter: "41.01384,28.94966" # Default map center (latitude, longitude)
        panToClick: true
        zoomToClick: true
        markerColor: "#ff3838"
        markerScale: "8"
        markerOpacity: "0.6"
        markerStrokeWidth: "2"
        markerStrokeColor: "#ff4d4d"

Field Options:

  • markerColor: Customize the marker's fill color.
  • defaultCenter: Define the default map center as latitude,longitude.
  • panToClick: Enable the map to pan when a user clicks.
  • zoomToClick: Automatically zoom the map when a user clicks.
  • markerScale: Adjust the marker's scale/size.
  • markerOpacity: Define the marker's opacity.
  • markerStrokeWidth: Set the stroke width for markers.
  • markerStrokeColor: Define the stroke color for markers.


  1. Open the Settings section of OctoberCMS.
  2. Navigate to the plugin's configuration area.
  3. Enter your Google Maps API key and adjust additional settings as needed.


  • Google Maps API Key: Required for map functionality.
  • OctoberCMS Version: Compatible with OctoberCMS 2.x and later.
  • PHP Version: Ensure PHP 7.4 or later is installed.


First version of GoogleMapsLocationPicker

Jan 23, 2025