Product support

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  • Added on Mar 15, 2017
  • Current version: 1.0.3
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x not tested
    v1.x use latest
  • Created by


Automatically add watermarks to your images created when you use {{ item.image.thumb(480, 550, {mode: 'crop'}) }} (different modes can be used)

Plugin don't change original images, so all changes can be rolled back easy. Also you can change watermark image without reuploading your pictures.

Plugin doesn't support Media Manager!

Plugin usage

Upload a picture, you want to use is watermark in plugin settings.

Fill other settings update your models, where you attache images in this way:

    public $attachOne = [
        'image' => ['Alexis\Watermark\Models\Watermark']

instead of

    public $attachOne = [
        'image' => ['System\Models\File']


    public $attachMany = [
        'images' => ['Alexis\Watermark\Models\Watermark']

instead of

    public $attachMany = [
        'images' => ['System\Models\File']

Obligatorily press "Clear files" button in plugin settings!

This button delete all files like storage/app/uploads/public/56c/b56/976/thumb_25_450x519_0_0_auto.jpg, but leave in peace original files. So, if you decide to change watermark, you don't need to upload all pictures again! Just change picture in plugin settings and press "Clear files" button.

Images with watermarks will automatically created when you use {{ item.image.thumb(480, 550, {mode: 'crop'}) }} (different modes can be used)

Don't forget to clear cache to see the changes!

  • Found the plugin not useful on 28 Jan, 2021

    sorry but this plugin is not working. Don't pay for it in vain. For the solution, Alexis does not help, moreover, I have been waiting for an answer for more than 1 month in the forum.

  • Found the plugin useful on 15 Mar, 2019

    hei, there is a bug in "plugins/alexis/watermark/models/Watermark.php" in lines 85-86: $destX = $sourseImageAttr[0] - $watermark_width - $this->getSetting('offsetX'); $destY = $sourseImageAttr[1] - $watermark_height - $this->getSetting('offsetY');

    to correct use this: $destX = (int)$sourseImageAttr[0] - (int)$watermark_width - (int)$this->getSetting('offsetX'); $destY = (int)$sourseImageAttr[1] - (int)$watermark_height - (int)$this->getSetting('offsetY');

  • Found the plugin not useful on 21 Jun, 2017

    It is not working for now (see Issues). After fixing all bugs, I will test it and change my review.


Bug fixes

Jun 23, 2017


Implement settings

Mar 14, 2017


Initialize plugin.

Mar 14, 2017