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This plugin brings to you some useful components to use in your blog!


Last Post

A component to show the last published post wherever you want Alias: lastPost

Prev and Next Posts

This component finds the previous and the next post for a specific post (to be used on post page) Alias: prevAndNextPosts


The proposals components lets your visitors to send you proposals about topics for your blog. It could be nice to write about something new! :) Alias: proposals

### N.B.
Every component has its default view, but I suggest to extend it and use your own

Components functions

Last Post

lastPost.get() Retrieve the last published post

Prev and Next Posts

prevAndNextPosts.getPrev($postId) Retrieve the previous post for a specific post (found by $postId) prevAndNextPosts.getNext($postId) Retrieve the next post for a specific post (found by $postId)


proposals.onPropose() The function that intercepts that Ajax call sent from the form when a user submits a proposal


Fixed label visualization for proposals default view

Jul 01, 2019


Real bug fixing for unpublished posts...

Jul 01, 2019


Bug fixing for unpublished posts

Jul 01, 2019


Create proposals table

May 31, 2019


First version of BlogUtils

May 31, 2019