Product support

Visit this product's website for support.

  • Added on Oct 23, 2019
  • Current version: 1.0.1
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x not tested
    v1.x use latest
  • License: Regular / Extended
  • Created by


OTickets System for October CMS Platform which provides Help Desk support ticket accessibility to both October CMS Website guests and registered users. Its key features are:

Display support ticket categories of the other extensions for user to pick the category while creating a help desk support ticket.

Administrator can assign different User Groups in OTickets Extension.

Users can add different types of attachments to the support tickets.

Administrator can set extensions types of the files to be uploaded.

Emails notification functionality for every User or Admin Activity in the Extension

Commenting functionality for Tickets Status or Support present in the Extension.

It also includes following Graphs for detailed analysis :-

A. Tickets Categories Graph

B. Tickets Status Graph

C. Tickets Priorities Graph

D. Top 5 Users

E. Assignee Graph

Download the plugin to the plugins directory and logout and log in back into October CMS backend to configure.

Ticket List Component

Create a page with the below configuration . It will display a crud for tickets including chat and filters.

Also you have to insert the session component from the user plugin so that only logged in users can submit and view tickets

title = "support"

url = "/support/:page_type?/:id?"

layout = "default"

is_hidden = 0



security = "all"



redirectUrl = "account"


<div class="container">

    {% component 'oTicketList' %}


The redirectUrl specifies the page the user will be redirected if he is not logged in to the page.

If you want to override the components follow this guide.


First version of OTickets

Oct 22, 2019