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  • Limit amount of emails sent by a single client IP.
  • Add extra security to your contact forms and other functionalities that sends emails.
  • CAPTCHA can sometimes be beaten by bots, adding this extra plugin will block client ip from sending emails through your forms.
  • Limiter is disabled if the client is a connected backend user.

Mail Limiter


Limit amount of emails sent by a single client IP.

Add extra security to your contact forms and other functionalities that sends emails.

CAPTCHA can sometimes be beaten by bots, adding this extra plugin will block client ip from sending emails through your forms.

Limiter is disabled if the client is a connected backend user.

How it works?

The plugin listens to mailer.beforeSend and mailer.send events.

Before sending an email, it checks how many times the client IP has sent email.

If the amount of mail sent is higher than the limit, the plugin prevent mail from being sent.

Ajax response

In case the limit has been reached, ajax response can be returned. If one of the ajax fields are empty, no ajax response will be made.


Front end html code:

<form id="someContactForm">

<div id="myAjaxResponse"></div>

Ajax partial settings field:


Ajax message settings field can be as follow:

<div class="ui error message">
    <div class="header">
        Error, email not sent!


  • Add whitelist to prevent proxy and known IPs to be rejected.
  • Automatic and manual flush older IPs from sender model.

Created table acte_maillimiter_settings

Nov 05, 2019


Created table acte_maillimiter_senders

Nov 05, 2019


Initialize plugin.

Nov 05, 2019