virgo9793756674 Approved

Member since: 2020-07-04

Recent posts by virgo9793756674
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Hello friend, a question. How did you put the logo? I have read the documentation but I already did ...

Posted in OctoberCMS DynamicPDF plugin page wise dynamic header content


Posted in PDF

I'm just testing that plugin, only I can't put a download button in the model form

Posted in PDF

There is some Plugin that generates PDF with the information that a model saves, as well as add extr...

Posted in PDF

            pending: Pending
            active: Active
            closed: Closed

Posted in Backend lists filter depending on model dropdown field

public $hasManyThrough = [ 'client' => [ 'Rainlab\User\Models\User', 'through' => 'Zonek\Clientes\Mo...

Posted in how to get the relation parameter of a relation

Models: 1.-User (Plugin the User) -id -yam -etc

2.-Client. -id -user_id -description -etc


Posted in how to get the relation parameter of a relation

I have 3 models User Client quotes.

I have a Client to User relationship from which I get the name. ...

Posted in how to get the relation parameter of a relation

I am trying to insert data from one model to another from a pivot table.

For normal data use $ Order...

Posted in Insert data to a model in a pivot table

I made a plugin in Bulder where I made several relationships but I need to evaluate a checkbox since...

Posted in como puedo evaluar un checkbox en el backend ?