sukarsa27391 Approved

Member since: 2018-01-06

Recent posts by sukarsa27391
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I found this for laravel,

Posted in Creating model without 'id' and with composite primary keys

apt-get install php-pgsql , then service apache2 restart

Posted in New install can't connect to postgres error 'could not find driver '

Hi, great. Looking forward to this virtual-product feature. Care should be taken in security / permi...

Posted in Virtual Product / Subscription


I'm using the custom-payment-stripe-checkout, and I found out that the payment status is not upd...

Posted in [Fixed] Stripe payment status not updated

Thanks for your answer. How many hours do you think is necessary for that modifications? (is it majo...

Posted in Virtual Product / Subscription

Hi, I'm very interested in getting JKshop. Is there a feature for non-physical product (ticket, toke...

Posted in Virtual Product / Subscription